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Lesson 47,warm,spring,summer,autumn/fall,winter,What season is it? Its ,Exclamatory sentences (感叹句): What a cold, snowy day it is! How cold and snowy the day is!,What + a(an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 陈述句!,How + 形容词(副词) + 陈述句!,What a beautiful flower it is!,How beautiful the flower is!,The flowers bloom.,The wind blows the leaves off the tree.,the sun,wind,cloud and rain,snow,ski on the snow,skate on the ice,swim in the sea,walk in the rain,fly a kite in the wind,make a snowman,Brainstorm some words and expressions:,flowers new leaves rain,the sun rain,fallen leaves rain,ice snow,walk in the rain,wear shorts (skirt) swim in the sea,fly kites in the wind play outside,skate on the ice ski on the snow make a snowman,A discussion: Whats your favourite season? 2. Why?,Because it is I love and I like to ,A task: Say something about your favourite season. My favourite season is Because it is I love and I like to ,Lets sing a song.,A task: Write something about your favourite season and try to tell us.,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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