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日常英语会话面试之月薪日常英语会话面试之月薪以下是由应届毕业生网PQ小编为大家精心整理出来的日常英语会话面试之月薪,希望能够帮到大家。Interviewer: I think you are eligible to work here. Do you have any other questions?我认为你可以在这里工作,你还有其他问题吗?Interviewee: Er. I think . I wonder that.呃.我想.我想知道.Interviewer: Oh, sorry, it seems that the salary issue hasn t been mentioned yet.哦,抱歉,我们似乎还没有提到薪水问题。Interviewee: Yes. Could you tell me how much I will be paid for the job?是的,请问这份工作的薪水是多少呢?Interviewer: Well, may I know what starting salary you re expecting?嗯,我可以知道你期望的起薪是多少吗?Interviewee: I would expect $50,000 a year.我希望年薪有5万美元。Interviewer: I m afraid we can t pay you that much. The base pay of this position you re applying for is $30,000, excluding bonuses and allowances. Though you might not be satisfied with your salary at present, you can expect wage increase in the future.我们恐怕无法付你那么多薪水。这个职位的起薪是3万美元,不包含奖金和津贴。虽然你现在可能会对薪水不满意,但是你可以期待未来会加薪。Interviewee: I understand. By the way, do I benefit from both health insurance and labor insurance.我明白了。对了,请问我有什么保险福利吗?Interviewer: Yes. Each of our employees benefits from both health insurance and labor insurance.有的,我们每个员工都有健康保险和劳动保险。Interviewee: Good. I am ready to start working here.好,我准备在这里开始工作了。【相关阅读】应聘一家公司,首先您要具备加入该公司的资格,这是主考官最容易提到的问题。能否很好地回答这个问题,将在很大程度上决定您的成功与否。本课的重点词汇和句型。computer science 计算机科学knowledge background 知识背景qualification 资格、条件experience 经验involve 包括、潜心于、使陷于perfectly 极佳地、完美地position 职位、位置WHAT SALARY DO YOU EXPECT?在任何面试当中,薪金待遇问题都是一个敏感的问题,如何与主考官在这个问题上进行沟通,是每一位求职者共同面对的难题。我们先来看看主考官是怎么问的:What salary do you expect? 或者: How much money are you looking for?您期望的薪金是多少?如果您是初次找工作,而且想尽快找到,不妨这样说:This will be my first job and I lack experience, so I hesitate to suggest a salary.由于这是我第一次在外面找工作,而且我又没什么经验,所以我不太愿意谈多少薪金。 或者说:I don t mind if I start with a low salary because it is my first time to hunt for a job and I lack experience. I ll leave it to you, because I m not in the position to ask for a certain salary at present.我不太在意薪金低一点, 因为这是我首次找工作,而且我又没有什么工作经验。由您来决定好了, 因为目前我还没有资格来讲一定要多少薪水。您这样回答,有可能反而给主考官留下好的印象, 至少能让他感到您还是比较诚恳的。如果您已经有了一定的工作经验, 就可以用更多的方式来回答:I think we can reach an agreement on the salary if I can be sure that there is a good chance to advance in this company.如果在这个公司里有利于我的发展的话,薪金问题好解决。 或者: I believe you must have a standard starting salary which should be satisfactory. 我想你们一定有一个标准的起薪,总会应该使一般人满意的。如果您的知识、经验已达到了一个很高的层次,您的要求就可以更直接一些:I am making RMB2000 a month at my present work. I should expect not lower than RMB3000 a month.我目前的工作是每月2000元,我希望最低能拿到3000元。只要要求提得合理,直接的方式并不会影响面试官对你的看法。相反,如果你表现出色,面试官会对你的要求给予认真的考虑的。你也可以给出你要求高薪的理由,让公司出钱出得心服口服。One good qualified man is better than a score of men. I can handle this work quite easily by myself and you will end up saving money if you pay me RMB4000 a month.一个能干的人比得过一群无用的人。我觉得我一个人就能干好这项工作,这样一看,如果给我的月薪是4000元的话,您反而能省不少钱。只要根据自己的实际情况,选择适当的回答方式,相信大家都能获得满意的结果。【日常英语会话面试之月薪】1.面试题:期待的月薪2.求职英语会话3.求职英语会话交流4.护理英语会话:住院5.面试题:期望的月薪要求6.日常面试英语口语7.面试与日常交谈8.幽默笑话之动物日常对话
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