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按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开教学视频名师讲课播放内容(课题)Grade3 Unit9 Hot soup! 第1课时 教学目标 知识、技能1、Can say the words from this unit.2、Can ask and answer the questions.3、Can understand the story. 过程、方法1、 Warm-up2、 Presentation3、 Playing a game4、 Extending listening情感、态度、价值观通过让学生反思故事中Mocky由于心急被热汤烫到的情节,培养他们良好的进餐习惯。教学重点初步学习句型:Im thirsty. Have some orange juice. Im hungry. Have some fruit.教学难点进一步体会本单元功能句型的具体使用情境。教学准备教师准备教材、多媒体课件学生准备教材教学用时一课时教学方法多媒体教学法、小组合作法教学过程教师活动学生活动备注1、Warm-up2、Presentation3、Playing a game4、Extending listening1、Review the names of food (vegetables, fruit)2、Review the adjective: big, small, tall, short, old, young, long3、Ask them to talk about some pictures by using these words.1、Ask them to listen to the story.2、Then ask some questions about these pictures. And ask them to read after each picture.3、Read after the tape again.4、Ask students to try to performance it.Ill put some pictures on the blackboard. Then Ill ask, “Is that ?” The students begin to guess. If the answer is “Yes”, they have to stand up and answer my question. If the answer is “No”, they have to sit down and answer my question.Ill ask them to listen to some little stories.They review the names of food.They review the adjectives we have learned last unit.They talk about the pictures.They listen to the story.They read after the story.They read it again.They begin to performance the story.They play the game.They listen to the stories.板书设计Unit9 Hot soup! Im thirsty. Have some orange juice. Im hungry. Have some fruit. 教学反思 内容(课题)Grade3 Unit9 Hot soup! 第2课时 教学目标 知识、技能1、学习描述食物和生活用品特征的形容词:cold, sweet, sour, fresh, hot, cold2、复习巩固句型: Im thirsty. Have some orange juice.Im hungry. Have some fruit. 3、进一步体会本单元功能句型的具体使用情境。 过程、方法5、 Warm-up6、 Presentation7、 Doing some exercises8、 Extending listening9、 Using language情感、态度、价值观鼓励学生敢于开口说英语,并通过一系列活动的参与,建立起其对英语学习的信心。教学重点学习描述食物和生活用品特征的形容词:cold, sweet, sour, fresh, hot, cold教学难点进一步体会本单元功能句型的具体使用情境。教学准备教师准备教材、教学卡片、多媒体课件学生准备教材教学用时一课时教学方法多媒体教学法、小组合作法教学过程教师活动学生活动备注1、Warm-up2、Presentation3、Doing some exercises4、Extending listening5、Using languages1、Review the words we have learned last unit. Ask them to try to describe the pictures. Its a The is 1、T: Now, lets learn something new. Show the pictures of some fruit and vegetables. To elicit the new words: cold, sweet, sour, fresh, hot. Then ask them to read these words after the tape aloud.2、Then doing some exercises: Ill show some pictures. And ask them to describe it.1、Listen to thisAsk them to describe the pictures at first. Then listen to it. After that, check the answer. At last, ask them to read after it.Ask them to listen to some little stories.Ill show them a big picture, and ask them to describe this picture.They review the words an sentences.They learn these new words and read it after the tape.They do some exercises.They do some exercises: Listen to this.They listen to the stories.They talk about this picture in pairs.板书设计Unit9 Hot soup!Im thirsty. Have some orange juice.Im hungry. Have some fruit. Its cold hot sweet sour freshb1.com 教学反思 内容(课题)Grade3 Unit9 Hot soup 第3课时 教学目标 知识、技能1、学习句型: Is it ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.2、进一步体会本单元功能句型的具体使用情境。 过程、方法10、 Warm-up11、 Presentation12、 Listen and number13、 Trace, match and copy情感、态度、价值观鼓励学生敢于开口说英语,并通过一系列活动的参与,建立起其对英语学习的信心。教学重点学习句型: Is it ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.教学难点进一步体会本单元功能句型的具体使用情境。教学准备教师准备教材、多媒体课件学生准备教材教学用时一课时教学方法多媒体教学法、小组合作法教学过程教师活动学生活动备注1、Warm-up2、Presentation3、Listen and number4、Trace, match and copy1、Review the words we have learned in this unit.2、Review the key sentences.T: Whats this?T: Is it a ?1、Ask them to look at the picture of the dialogue. And ask them to try to describe the picture.T: Now, lets listen what does the boy want to drink? Then listen to the dialogue for the first time.T: What does Ken ask?T: How does Ann answer?T: What does Ken will drink at last? Why?2、Then listen to it for the second time and read after it.3、Read this dialogue by role. Boys are Ken, girls are Ann.4、Ill draw a glass an tea on th
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