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xx年大学英语四级阅读预测练习题 xx年大学英语四级阅读预测练习题 When Anwar out of the way, will Mahathirs war against foreign speculators actually help turn the economy around? The view of international financial analysts-foreigners-was largely pessimistic. Paul Krugman, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has suggested that the kind of financial restriction imposed by the IMF may not always be appropriate-and that it might be necessary for countries like Malaysia to close the doors and pump up production to buy time for reforms. But after Mahathir took that advice, Krgman quickly addressed an open letter to the Malaysian leader, warning that capital controls can work only as a stopgap measure(权宜之策)while putting together more fundamental banking and business reforms. Capital control put more power into the hands of administrators, and people are rightly worried about abuse of powers, says Simon Flint of Independent Economic Analysis in Singapore. Intervention just leads to corruption.? Mahathir has heard and rejected such arguments before. Since his days fighting the British colonialists, he has dreamed of creating a Malays-assertive, petitive, hardworking who could stand up and be proud. If nothing else, Mahathir and his business friends have always thought big-developing the worlds tallest building, the biggest dam, an Asian Silicon Valley-anything to increase the sense of national pride. Two decades of big ideas and affirmative action policies have helped pull Malays up from poverty. Now Mahathir has lives to see the birth of his New Malay Man-and, in small irony, it has turned out to be Anwar. With all his confidence and worldly sophistication, Anwar epitomize (集中体现) the ideal Mahathir has sought all his life. Last week Mahathir moved to destroy his own creation, the rebel son who has stood beside the old nationalist as the answer to his dream. 1.Why did Paul Krugman regard capital controls as a stopgap measure? A) Because he was largely pessimistic. B) Because financial restrition is not appropriate. C) Because it benefits foreign speculators. D) Because in the long run, it will lead to abuse of powers. 2.Whats the reaction of Mahathir when he heard Intervention just leads to corruption. A) He has rejected such arguments before. B) He thought it right and aept it. C) He regretted what he had done. D) He moved to destroyed his own creation. 3.Mahathir has always thought something big to increase the sense of national pride which lies in _. A) the worlds tallest building B) the biggest dam C) an Asian silicon valley D) A, B and C 4.How long did it take his big ideas to help pull Malays up from poverty? A) 10 years. B) 20 years.C) 12 years. D) 24 years. 5.Why did Mahathir move to destroy Anuar? A) Because Anwar did not embody his ideal. B) Because Anwar turned out to be a total failure. C) Because Anwar has stood beside the old nationalist. D) Because his dream bee true. 1.D。为什么Paul krugman 认为资本控制不是权宜之计?细节题,也是因果关系题,在文中找出相应的段落即可找到答案。文中提到Capital controls put more power into the hands of adminis trators, and people are rightly worried about abuse of powers.由此可知选项D是对的。 2.A。当他听到干预导致腐败时,Mahathir 的反应如何?细节题。在文中找到相应段落即可。文中提到Mahathir has heard and rejected such arguments before.由此可知选项A是对的。 3.D。Mahathir 总想做一些大事来增强民族自豪感,这表现在_.细节题。在文中相应段落即可找到答案。文中提到Mahathir and his business friends have always thought big-developing the worlds tallest building, the biggest dam, an Asian Silicon Valley-anything to increase the sense of national pride.由此可知选项D是对的。 4.B。他的大的想法帮助马来西亚人摆脱贫困花了多长时间?数字题,在文中相应段落找到数字,注意decade 的意思。 文中提到Two decades of big ideas and affirmative-action policies have helped pull Malays up from poverty. 由此可知,选项B是对的。 5.C。为什么Mahathir 提议毁掉Anwar?该题得从整体把握。首先Anwar是Mahathir 的梦,他的儿子,后来则变成rebel son,因为the rebel son who has stood beside the old nationalist as the answer to his dream.由此可知,选项C是对的。 【xx年大学英语四级阅读预测练习题】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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