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七、环境保护核心单词循规蹈矩之中“熟记”头脑风暴过程“串联”名词challenge 挑战;consequence 结果,后果;conservation (对自然环境的)保护;effort 努力,艰难的尝试;environment 环境;expectation 预料,期望;permission 允许,许可,同意;pollution 污染;protection 保护;punishment 惩罚;responsibility 责任,负责大气与气候:fog n.雾;foggy adj.有雾的;haze n.雾霾;pour vt.倾倒,使(连续)流出;storm n.风暴,暴(风)雨自然灾害:acid rain n.酸雨;damage n.& vt.毁坏,破坏;ruin vt. 毁坏 n.(复)废墟,遗迹;sandstorm n.沙尘暴;shortage n.缺乏;threaten vt.威胁生态保护:ecology n.生态,生态学;extinct adj.灭绝的;litter n.垃圾;species n.物种;survival n.存活,幸存;victim n.牺牲品,受害者动词decline 减少,下降;decrease 减少,减小,降低;destroy 破坏,毁坏;disappear 消失;pollute 污染;preserve 保护,保留,保存;prevent 防止,预防;protect 保护;recycle 回收,再循环形容词endangered濒危的;natural 自然的;noisy 喧闹的,嘈杂的;proper 恰当的,合适的;unbearable 难耐的,无法接受的;unbelievable 难以置信的;uncomfortable 令人不舒服的高频短语attach great importance to.十分重视;arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection提高人们的环保意识;be faced with. 面临;be trapped in ruins 被困在废墟中;cut down砍倒;die out 灭绝;from bad to worse每况愈下;in harmony with nature与自然和谐相处;keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡;make a difference有影响自然灾害:extreme weather极端天气;heat wave热浪生态保护:endangered species濒危物种;have a disastrous effect on 对有灾难性的影响;natural reserve自然保护区;protect wildlife保护野生动物经典句式1.Sometimes a smile is so powerful that it gives people suffering from disasters great courage.有时候,微笑会如此有力量以至于它给予遭受灾难的人巨大的勇气。2.The country has provided food and clothes for the homeless people in the disaster-stricken areas.国家已经为灾区无家可归的人们提供了食品和衣物。3.Plenty of rubbish and waste water are being poured into the river;as a consequence, water sources have become badly polluted.大量的垃圾和废水被倒进河里,结果,水源被严重污染。4.The more wild animals we kill, the more debts we will pay in the future.我们杀的野生动物越多,我们将来要还的债就越多。5.Having realized the great harm caused by the haze and the importance of protecting the environment, people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the hazy weather.意识到了雾霾造成的严重危害和保护环境的重要性,全国人民正采取措施减少雾霾天气。6.Accordingly/Consequently, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that people are more and more aware of the importance of the protection of the environment.因此,不难得出结论:人们越来越意识到环境保护的重要性了。7.It is well-known that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe due to global warming.众所周知,由于全球变暖,全球水资源短缺(问题)正变得日益严重。经典句式8.All animals and plants are important, because each species contributes to the variety of life forms on the earth and plays an important role in maintaining life.所有动植物都是重要的,因为每一个物种都有助于地球上生命种类的多样性的形成,而且对维持生命起到了重要的作用。9.With the number of cars increasing fast in our city, our environment is getting increasingly worse.在我们的城市,随着汽车数量的快速增加,环境正急剧恶化。10.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activities that have caused this global warming.毫无疑问,地球正变得更加温暖,而全球变暖正是人类活动所致。必背范文调查显示,中国长江江豚(finless porpoise)受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足1000只。假设你是李华,现请用英文给WWF(世界自然保护基金组织)写一封信,请他们关注这一状况并提供帮助。内容应包括:说明写信目的;简述江豚现状;希望WWF如何帮助(比如:资助江豚保护项目等);表示感谢并期待回复。用适当的词汇或句式完成下面短文并背诵Dear Sir or Madam, Im a student from Chongqing, China. Today I am writing to you to ask for your help to improve the situation the finless porpoises 1.(面临)presently. Because of the behavior of our human beings, the finless porpoises in the Yangtze River have been greatly influenced and will be 2.(濒临灭绝的). According to the research, the total number is less than 1,000 now. In order to prevent them from 3.(灭绝), we have founded a project, but we have difficulty in running it for lack of funds. If you would like to help us, you can provide it with necessary money. Besides, you can give us relevant training in protecting them. With your help, we believe we can improve the 4.(生存环境)of the finless porpoises soon, thus increasing their number. If we can get your help, we will be very thankful. Were looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案全解全析1.are faced with2.endangered3.dying out4.living environment
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