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小学英语-教案-外研版新标准英语第三册Module 3 Unit 2 What are you doing?教学设计一、教学目标能听懂、会说本课句型“What are you doing? Im watching TV/ listening to music/ reading a book”,并引导学生能在实际情景中熟练运用。二、教学的重点与难点本课时的教学重点是掌握句型“What are you doing? Im”,难点是培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力。三、教具准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片,stickers等等。四、教学过程Step I Warm-up. 1、greetings 2、lets chant. Read, reading, I am reading.Dance, dancing, I am dancing. Sing ,sining, I am sining. Run, running, I am running Walk, walking, I am walkingStep II Presentation.(创设情景,引入新课。)1.教师边展示画画的动作边说说:I can draw a tree. Now, I am drawing a tree. 边说边在黑板上画一棵树,并强调I drawing now用彩色粉笔强调ing 。鼓励同学做画画的动作,边说I am drawing . 师适时提问:“What are you doing?”(板书)引导学生运用肢体语言回答:“I m drawing .” 2、师再分别示范“读书、听音乐和看电视”的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边说边做:“Im reading a book”“Im listening to music./Im watching Tv.”(师采用升降调领读单词:listening、watching.)并展开对话:T: What are you doing?Ss: Im reading a book.Ss: What are you doing?T: Im listening to music.Ss: What are you doing?Ss: Im watching Tv. 师接着画一个跳舞的图画问同学们Im drawing . What is she doing ? (她正在干什么?) 引导学生边做动作边回答Shes dancing.教师继续画游泳的图画问What is he doing ?引导学生边做动作边回答Hes swimming.3、在学生会表达以上进行时句子后,教师出示以下动词的进行式形式:当我们表示正在做某一动作是动词后加ing现在式 进行式 watch - watching write - writing Talk - talking Read - reading listen - listeningPlay - playingStep III Practice.1. bingo game Step IVListen,point and sayWe are having an English class now.Do you know whats Sam,Amy and Tom doing?Lets listen and found out:1. first listen and fill in the blanks学生听读两遍对话,并与同桌讨论问题答案。把课文中的内容设计为小问题,有目的地去听,去理解,不断提高听力水平。1) What are you _,children?2) Im_to music.3) Im_Tv.4) Whats Tom doing?5) Hes_a book. 播放第三遍课文录音,句子对对碰(找朋友)What is Sam doing ? He is reading a book.What is Amy doing ? She is watching TV.What is Tom doing ? He is listening to music2学生自由朗读对话3学生有感情的背诵对话,同桌之间背对背你问我答大比拼对话内容4让学生自己编对话,然后进行表演。Step V listen and say,then sing and do the actionsStep VI Homework.Call your friend ask “what are you doing?11小学英语日常交际用语一、日常问候和答语1. Hello/ Hi你好。2. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。3. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?4. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。5. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。6. How do you do? 你好。7. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。二、告别、祝福和答语1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。3. Good night. 晚安。4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Thank you!谢谢!5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日)6. Happy Childrens Day! Happy Womens Day!7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!三、介绍和谈论人物1. My name is/ Im 我的名字是/ 我名叫2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs 这位是小姐/先生/女士。3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。4. He/ She is 他是/她是四、询问 人:1)姓名1. Whats your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is 2. Whats his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字? Her/His/Its name is 2)年龄1.How old are you? 你多大了? Im2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大? She /He/ It is 3) 生日1When is your /his/her birthday? Its July 1st.4) 出处1. Where is/ are .from? 你/她/他来自哪里?She is from American. 她来自美国。2. Where do/does come from? 你/她/他来自哪里?She is from American. 她来自美国。5) 人物1. Who is he ? 她/他是谁?He is my brother. 他是我弟弟。She is my sister.她是我姐姐。6)职业1. What is he? He is a doctor. 他是医生。2. What does he do? He is a doctor.3. Whats his job? He is a doctor.7)外貌1. What is he like? 他是一个什么样的人?He is short and thin. 他很矮很瘦。8) 喜好1. What does he like? 他喜欢什么?He likes English.他喜欢英语what do you like?你喜欢什么?I like chinese.我喜欢中文。2. Do you like English? Yes, I do.Does he/she like English?Ye ,he/she does/ No, he/she doesnt.9) 事情1. Whats the matter with you? 你怎么啦? I have a cold.我感冒了。物:1)颜色1.What colour is /are ? Its / They are blue.2. Is your pen blue? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.2)位置1. Where is /are ? Its / They are on the desk.2. Is /Are in/ on.? Yes, it is ./ No, it isnt.3) 名称1. Whats this? 这是什么? Its a computer.这是电脑。2. What are these/those? 这些是什么?They are books.4) 数量1. How many boys are there in your class? Fifteen.5) 价格1. How much is this dress? Its 5 yuan. 5元3 其他1)天气1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its sunny.2. How is the weather? Its sunny.3. Is it sunny? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2) 时间1. What time is it now ? Its 5 oclock.3)季节1.Which season is it? Its summer.2. Which season do you like best? Summer.3. Whats your favourite season? Summer.4) 日期1.Whats the date? Its May 5th.五、道歉和答语1. Im sorry. 对不起。2. Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。3. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。4. I have a cold. 我感冒了。 Im sorry to hear that. 我很遗
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