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小学英语-教案-外研版外研版(一起)五年级英语上册教案Module 3 Unit 2 Easter is in spring.一、教学目标与要求1.知识与能力目标能够听说读写以下单词:spring, summer, winter, sometimes, why能够听说认读以下单词:1-12月份能够听说读写重点句型:Easter is in spring.在图文或场景下能进行简单的英语交流和表演。能在情景中灵活运用本节课所学内容表达自己的思想。2.情感态度目标了解有关复活节的知识,在巩固语言知识的同时比较中西方文化,感受中西文化差异,体会文化的碰撞,进而体会跨文化背景下学习语言的乐趣,培养学生积极的学习热情。二、教学重点及难点1.本课的教学重点是重点单词、句子的听、说、读、写。2.本课的教学难点是能够听懂课文,并了解有关复活节的知识创设相应的情境指导学生理解、实践、感悟语言功能。三、课前准备1.教师自己制作的课件和教材的配套光盘。2.教材配套的单词卡片。3.与复活节有关的图片、彩蛋、帽子等小道具四、教学过程Step 1:Warm upa) Sing a song: HellohappyTeachers Day!HellohappyTeachers Day! HellohelloMissJu! HellohappyTeachers Day!Change Teachers Day! into Halloween!b) Free talk: T: When is Halloween?” What do children do at Halloween? What do people do?”Step 2:Presentation and practicea) T:Today were going to learn another festival. You try to read the passage by yourselves on page 12. Show questions: Are there toy chicks and flowers on the hats? (y) Is Easter in autumn? (n) People give children chocolate eggs. (y) All the eggs are big. (n)b) Play the cassette Listen and point. Play it again, each sentence Listen and repeat the sentences. Two minutes for them Read it in pairs. Then read them together.c) Show why questions: When is Easter? What is on the hat? What do people give children?What is in the big eggs?d)鼓励他们用wh词质疑。如:What do they eat on Easter?” Why is there the Easter?” Where do they go on Easter?” “When is Easter?”(参考课本P12 活动2的问题)或用They_. 结构来表述自己对Easter的知识了解。Step 3: Consolidation and extensiona) Show a picture and the word cards ofthe 12 months.Ask them put the right cards in the right blanket.Then play a game: the teacher says the weather,The students say the months.For example: T:Winter! Ss: DecemberJanuary February.b) Play the cassette Listen to the poem. Play it again, each sentence a pause. Listen and repeat. Play it again Listen and follow the poem.Step 4: Summary总结本课所学重点,句子 Easter is in spring.Step 5: Homework1. Read the dialog 6 times.2. Try to retell the text.3. Finish the exercises in the activity book. P12 1.2Step 6: Blackboard design:Module3Unit 2 Easter is in spring summer autumn winter 教学反思:本课学生知道了西方两个重要的节日,万圣节和复活节,了解了这两个节日的风俗习惯,学生增长了对西方文化了解的知识.课上教师充分关注学生情感,带学生在课堂上学习语言知识和西方文化,感受中西文化差异,体会文化的碰撞。学生在活动中激发了他们的合作意识和创新意识,同时通过节日的学习,了解了中西方国家的差异,增强民族自豪感。通过这节课的学习,可以使学生学习、了解到更多不同的中外节日;培养学生搜集、处理信息的能力;培养学生团队合作的意识以及锻炼学生的口语表达能力。教学中教师感到如果能给学生提供更多的素材,资料,让学生有更多的材料去表达,进行口语练习,可以描述更多的节日效果会更好,学生学的会更扎实。 10小学英语日常交际用语一、日常问候和答语1. Hello/ Hi你好。2. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。3. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?4. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。5. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。6. How do you do? 你好。7. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。二、告别、祝福和答语1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。3. Good night. 晚安。4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Thank you!谢谢!5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日)6. Happy Childrens Day! Happy Womens Day!7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!三、介绍和谈论人物1. My name is/ Im 我的名字是/ 我名叫2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs 这位是小姐/先生/女士。3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。4. He/ She is 他是/她是四、询问 人:1)姓名1. Whats your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is 2. Whats his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字? Her/His/Its name is 2)年龄1.How old are you? 你多大了? Im2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大? She /He/ It is 3) 生日1When is your /his/her birthday? Its July 1st.4) 出处1. Where is/ are .from? 你/她/他来自哪里?She is from American. 她来自美国。2. Where do/does come from? 你/她/他来自哪里?She is from American. 她来自美国。5) 人物1. Who is he ? 她/他是谁?He is my brother. 他是我弟弟。She is my sister.她是我姐姐。6)职业1. What is he? He is a doctor. 他是医生。2. What does he do? He is a doctor.3. Whats his job? He is a doctor.7)外貌1. What is he like? 他是一个什么样的人?He is short and thin. 他很矮很瘦。8) 喜好1. What does he like? 他喜欢什么?He likes English.他喜欢英语what do you like?你喜欢什么?I like chinese.我喜欢中文。2. Do you like English? Yes, I do.Does he/she like English?Ye ,he/she does/ No, he/she doesnt.9) 事情1. Whats the matter with you? 你怎么啦? I have a cold.我感冒了。物:1)颜色1.What colour is /are ? Its / They are blue.2. Is your pen blue? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.2)位置1. Where is /are ? Its / They are on the desk.2. Is /Are in/ on.? Yes, it is ./ No, it isnt.3) 名称1. Whats this? 这是什么? Its a computer.这是电脑。2. What are these/those? 这些是什么?They are books.4) 数量1. How many boys are there in your class? Fifteen.5) 价格1. How much is this dress? Its 5 yuan. 5元
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