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买马克笔英语日记带翻译 买马克笔英语日记带翻译 今天我和妈妈来到文化市场。 Today, my mother and I came to the cultural market. 今天我来这里的目的,是买马克笔。我和妈妈先绕这个市场几圈。忽然我叫起来妈妈我看见有两家的马克笔颜色很多。然后我就冲进了其中一家,问完了我就说;“阿姨颜色可以自己挑吗?”阿姨和气地说;“可以啊,小姑娘。”挑完了颜色,付了钱。我和妈妈心满意足地回家了。 Im here today to buy a marker. My mother and I went around the market first. All of a sudden, I called to my mother. I saw two kinds of markers with many colors. Then I rushed into one of them, and when I finished, I said, can I choose the color of Auntie? Auntie said kindly, yes, little girl. After choosing the color, I paid. My mother and I went home contented. 【买马克笔英语日记带翻译】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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