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奖状英语日记带翻译 奖状英语日记带翻译 今天,妈妈在帮我填写阅读记录表的时候,发现我看的书很多,但是却没有得阅读奖状。妈妈就说你怎么看了这么多书,却没得阅读的奖状呢?我想可能是因为 _把阅读记录卡交给老师的缘故。 Today, when my mother helped me fill out the reading record form, she found that I read a lot of books, but I didnt have to read the certificate. Mom said how can you read so many books without getting a reading certificate? I think it may be because I didnt give the reading record card to the teacher. 我想问老师能不能开学的时候给我补一个阅读奖状? Id like to ask the teacher if he can make up a reading certificate for me at the beginning of school? 【奖状英语日记带翻译】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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