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教 学 设 计Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?江西省安远县第三中学 郑顺明【 教 材 】新目标【 年 级 】八年级【 课 时 】Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? Section A1【教材分析】本节课是人教版新目标英语八年级下册第八单元的内容,是以“Why dont you get her a scarf?”展开“Gift giving”话题讨论的(本课为第一课时)。通过对“Gift giving”的大胆设想训练孩子们口语表达,培养孩子们丰富的想象力和创新能力,同时也让他们懂得:人要有爱心,要懂得去爱周围的亲人、朋友和同学,同时要怀着一颗感恩的心去对待周围的每一个人。本单元主要运用“Why dont you .?/ Why not .?; What about .?/ How about.?”等表示提建议的句子来表达自己的一种心愿或想法,让学生在特定的语境中感觉和发现英语语言的变化,从而达到理解和灵活运用的目的。【学情分析】在本课教学过程中,在注重启发引导,培养学生分析、概括能力的同时,更要注重教学方法的灵活性,通过任务型教学法,情景交际法等,激发学生学习的兴趣,让学生乐于接受,易于接受。【教学目标】1.知识目标围绕“Gift giving”这一话题,把贴近学生生活的实际内容与漂亮的原汁原味的语言紧密结合在一起。基本词汇: scarf, album, receive, personal, special。Comment基本句型: What should I get her/him for her/his birthday? Why dont you /not get.? What about.? Sounds great. / No, thats too.2.能力目标.学生能用本课的目标语给别人提出建议和意见,同时也能够对别人的建议给出恰当的评论。.学生能通过头脑风暴及根据教师设置的情境,学会积极思考,大胆使用语,用真实的会话场景训练孩子们的口语表达,活学活用,从而提高他们的英语听说等能力。3.情感目标本课涉及个人生日、母亲节、父亲节等等。以此为契机,让他们认识到每一位父母为孩子们所付出的一切,就是源自心中的“爱”。继而用故事激发他们心中的爱,懂得去关爱和回报。不仅要爱自己的父母,同时也要爱周围的每一个人。【教学重点】本课重点在其运用“Why dont you .?/ Why not .?; What about .?/ How about.?”的句子谈论“Gift giving”这一话题。【教学难点】对提建议的理解及灵活运用【教学难点】情景教学法、任务驱动法、小组讨论法等【教学过程】Step 1: Warn-upBefore class: 百度视频英文歌曲forever friendshttp:/v.ku6.com/show/hcoUO-oSqd2zx7cHzFIwoQ.htmlWhile class: Listen to the song forever friends while the students are entering the classroom. After the class begins. The teacher says:” Hello! Everyone, Nice to meet you! Do you know the name of the song you listened just now? Yes, its forever friends. Today I am very happy to know you. And I hope we can become forever friends. And I have brought a gift to you today. Guess what gift I have brought. And Ill give it to who can guess right.【设计意图】通过歌曲英语学习的氛围,导入本节课话题,拉近师生的距离,同时设置悬念。Step 2: Brainstorm and lead-inAsk the students guess what gift I have brought. Using “Have you brought a card/flowers. .?” If the students cant guess right, say,” No, its too/not “If a student answers “flowers”, Show the picture of flowers to them ,and send the present to him/her. Then ask the students “what do you think of the flowers?”【设计意图】通过猜测教师带来的礼物,回忆学生已学的可作为礼物的的名词,同时教师对学生的回答做出回应,引出一些描述礼物的形容词,导入新单词personal,special。这一环节中,学生的思维是主动的、开放的。而且学生不知不觉地进入了本节课内容,为后面的送礼物提建议和给出评论做了铺垫。Step 3: Presentation1. Let them look at a picture on the big screen and say, OK, Ill show you some other gifts, what is this in English? Ss. Answer, Its a scarf. Then teach them to read twice. Say, What do you think of the gift? Using the same way, I will teach them to learn the new words by asking and answering.2. Consolidation through a chant. Practice the words in a fun way. (PowerPoint) A chant like this, Camera, camera, can be a gift. Can be a gift, an expensive gift ., can be a gift. Can be a gift, a/an.Gift. First, Ill give them an example, and then encourage them to create a new one. The more, the better.【设计意图】利用lets chant, 既活跃了课堂气氛,又复习巩固有关礼物的单词和形容词,提高学生学习积极性。The teacher say “In fact,Everything can be a gift, but gift isnt everything. When do people send gifts? “Yes, when our friends or relatives have birthdays or holidays.” Now my cousins birthday is coming. I want to give him a gift. My family is giving me some suggestions. Look! what are their suggestions?”Students read the passage and try to fill in the blanks with the correct words in groups. Then ask, Who can tell me how to make suggestions?Its my cousins birthday tomorrow. I want to _ him a gift, but I have no idea. My sister said, “Why _ you give him a pen?” My brother said, “Why _ give him a CD?” My mother said, “What _ a book?” My father said, “How about _ him a dictionary?”【设计意图】利用一篇小短文,引出四句提建议的句子,为后面口语训练做铺垫, 是语言的输入。Step 4: Consolidation1. “Now you know how to give suggestions. I hope you can help me. Show a picture of a little girl. “Look! Whos the little girl? Ok, ask me any questions you want. But I have a problem, Childrens Day is coming, I dont know what I should get her on Childrens day? Please help me. Get them to give me some suggestions using Why dont you/Why not.? Or What about/How about .? The teacher gives the comments. 2. “I have another problem.” show a picture of an old lady. Do the same as the above.3. Summary: How to give suggestions and comments. 【设计意图】设置情景,学生向老师提建议送礼物,教师或其他学生给出评论,很好的训练了本节课的重点,同时学生的思维也得到激发,学生有欲望说,也有话可说。既有语言的输出,又有语言的输入。Step 5: Practice1. Ask” Look at the calendar? It is a special day for one of the students in our class. Who? Look! It is his/her birthday. Lets sing happy birthday to him/her. I think we should give him/her some gifts. You can ask your partner for advice and give your comments.”2. How about your birthday? What did you receive/get? (Ss. answer) Did you get these things? Who gave you? How do you feel? How do you feel if you didnt get anything on your birthday? (Optional activ
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