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六年级上册第一单元综合练习译林版6AUni 1A卷一、 选出下列各组单词中面线部分读音不同的一项。( )1A.pary .Marh tat D.w().quik B.fi C.kite .sw( )3A.cousi Bhut C.ot D.abot( ).each Bsa Cseaon Dad( )5.A.mae B.game C.magic Dake二、英汉互译。1.拜访国王_ 2在大街上_3为我做新帽子_ .努力地想_5试穿这件红材衫_ 6嘲笑我们_7.路过这座房子_ 8.anAmeric cowby_9.v ith my aes_ 0.on th motain_三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.elived n the new house.He _(b)appy. king snt werng _ (some)los.3The t _ (ma)lkedrinin some ilk.4.One ay,thy _(be)at soolTey waled thouhthe pyound.5H _(look)t the pictues andlaughdeserday.Lng ongg,anod mn _(liv)in a ne houe.7Look!Shes _(ea)a nwskirt.8.Ther _ (be)sme igershryear ago9.The lttle bo i _(im)in heie.10. the _ (rce)se.四、单项选择。( )1.I _ TV mment g.A.watch B.tchd C.loked D.lok( )2T _ h farm _hs familyeste.A.si;wth .vsited;for.sitd; D.vited:with( )3.t sevn oclock.avid has o_.A.go toscho B.ng hool C.wet to school D.eo chol( )4.Each tden _ oepiure.A.w draws C.awing D.t rawing( )5.Sh ally_ newclohe_her ol.A.mae;wh .ma;for C.makes;for make;wth( )6.he lin alwy wals _ th forstevery ay.o B.under C.hrogh D.eind( )7.Were ter tresnear the rver? A.some B.an muh D.a( )8.The clotesabeatifl.Please _ .Atr iton B.try o hem Cty hmon D.ty oit( ).This an is _ kltHes _ manA. weing;Scottsh B.weas;cottish C.wre;Sottish D.wearig;erican( )10.Ca you _ mea sory?A. speak Bel Csay Dtlk五、翻译句子。1.刘涛,不要指着那只狗。o _ _ ha dog, iu o,.刘老师和她的学生正在玩游戏。sLiu and her nts _ _a gae.两年前,杨玲的房子后面有许多树。Thr _ lot o ees _ Yng Ln houset year go4苏海穿着白色连衣裙看上去如此漂亮。u Hi _ so nce_ her hieess.5.你能说下一句吗?anyu _ the _entence?六、阅读理解。AA Foih DoOneday,a dog haare pice(块)omtis mouh.Whene wake n a sallbridg,he loed downand sw himselfin the wter.e ought twsanoher doat dog l hda largeecof t hi moth.H sad to imself,“ wnt to ge hs me.Then Ia hae to piece of met.” o he enedhis muth tobark at the dg the waer,and his atfell ino the water.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误()( )1.he dg ha smalpiec of mea( )2.Th og wanto two piecs fmet.( )hee ws anothr o e war.( )4.Te og stod on e grass.( )5.Fially th dgh no Lnglongago,thee was a akigA ofispeple hatedim On ot a,whee ws aki a waklog a rive,he decidd(决定)oswi in it.Hewa go simmer,bt whie ewas in hriver,e sudenly feltil an alosdid.At tt timetwo farer ere wrkng nthefied nabyThy m vrnd juped nto the rivr,ad ave the kigThy id kno whoe wa uti(直到)heulled(拉) im out t wate Th kinga happy.He said o the tw farmes,”Yu can ask for nythin,dIll giveit t yu.I the ricetanin the wold.” “Dont tel aybo taw havsved ou”根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。( ) .Allfth people_ thking.A.lovd Bviitd C.hat() .On da,he kigdcide to _.A.take a walk B.go simmi C.wak aon therver( )_jumpednt teier.Thekg BNobody .Two arme( )4T w armers were _aftersving the ig.Ahppy worrid C.sad( )5.he ig ws vry_.A.kind B.frenly .ba
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