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安徽省黄山市2021-2021学年高二下学期英语期末考试试卷一、完形填空1. (2017高二下黄山期末)完形填空 My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. He could not_1_music, but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. I loved to sing, but I never learned how to _2_the mandolin. This is something I _3_to this day. Dad loved to play the mandolin for his _4_as he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play. He was always there,_5_his time and efforts to see that his family had enough in their life. I had to mature into a man and have children of my own _6_I realized how much he had sacrificed._7_played the mandolin like my father. He could_8_your soul with the tones. He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his_9_in his ability to play so well for his family. One day, he was involved in an _10_.On this particular day, Dad got the first finger of his left hand _11_by the machine. The doctor who operated on the finger could not _12_it, which did affect his _13_to play the mandolin. After the accident, Dad felt that he could not play _14_.When I came home and asked him to play, he would make_15_for why he couldnt play.In August of 1993 my father was diagnosed with_16_lung cancer. About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us. He said_17_.He knew it would probably be the last time he could play for us. When I looked around, there was not a_18_eye in the family. We saw before us a quiet man with an inner_19_Dad was always doing something he had done all his life_20_.(1)A . recognizeB . appreciateC . readD . write(2)A . studyB . playC . makeD . observe(3)A . abandonB . discussC . advocateD . regret(4)A . familyB . colleaguesC . audienceD . friends(5)A . wastingB . savingC . valuingD . sacrificing(6)A . whenB . beforeC . untilD . once(7)A . NobodyB . EverybodyC . SomebodyD . Anybody(8)A . seeB . feelC . touchD . contact(9)A . performanceB . modestyC . preferenceD . pride(10)A . activityB . entertainmentC . accidentD . organization(11)A . brokenB . heldC . dirtiedD . hurt(12)A . discoverB . saveC . understandD . examine(13)A . skillB . talentC . interestD . ability(14)A . once moreB . for everC . as wellD . so far(15)A . preparationsB . excusesC . mistakesD . commitments(16)A . inoperableB . curableC . cuteD . irrelevant(17)A . absolutely notB . impossibleC . never mindD . okay(18)A . brightB . dewyC . dryD . glazed(19)A . weaknessB . strengthC . dreamD . motivation(20)A . givingB . seekingC . completingD . entertaining二、阅读理解2. (2017高二下黄山期末)阅读理解 A young and successful manager was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. As his car passed a park, one child appeared, and a brick smashed into the Jaguars side door. He stopped the car very suddenly and drove the Jag back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. He jumped out of the car, grabbed some kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shouting, What was that all about and who are you? Just what on earth are you doing? Thats a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it? Please, sir, please, Im sorry. I didnt know what else to do! begged the youngster. Its my brother, he said. He fell out of his wheelchair and I cant lift him up. Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? Hes hurt and hes too heavy for me. Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump(隆起的肿块)in his throatHe lifted the young mail back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes(擦痕)and cuts, checking to see if everything was going to be okay. Thank you, sir. And God bless you, the grateful child said to him. The man then watched the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long walk back to his Jaguar. a long, slow walk. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent(凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you dont have the time to listen. Life throws a brick at your head. Its your choice: Listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick!(1)What happened when the managers car passed a park?A . A boy ran out to ask for help.B . A brick hit his car at the side door.C . A boys brother fell off his wheelchair.D . A boy was playing with a brick by the roadside.(2)Why did the
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