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山东省胶州市胶州一中2021届高三上学期英语10月联合检测试卷一、阅读理解(共16小题;每小题2.5分,满分40分)1. (2020高三上胶州月考)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Joseph Francis Charles Rock (18841962)was an Austrian-American explorer, botanist, and anthropologist (人类学家). For more than 25 years, he travelledextensively through Tibet and Yunnan, Gansu, and Sichuan provinces in Chinabefore finally leaving in 1949.In 1924, Harvard sent Joseph FrancisRock on a treasure hunt through Chinas southwestern provincesthe Wild West oftheir day. But gold and silver werent his task: Rock, a distinguishedbotanist, sought only to fill his bags with all the seeds, saplings, and shrubshe could find. During his three-year expedition, he collected 20,000 specimensfor the Arnold Arboretum (阿诺德植物园).Botany, though, was just one of Rocksstrengths. As an ethnologist (民族学者), he took hundreds of photographs ofthe Naxi, a tribe in Yunnan province, recording their now-lost way of life forboth Harvard and National Geographic, and took notes for an eventual 500-pagedictionary of their language. His hand-drawn map of his travels through ChinasCho-Ni territory, in the Harvard Map Collection, includes more thana thousand rivers, towns, and mountains indicated in both English and Chinese,and was so well made that the U.S. government used it to plan aerial missionsin World War II.Scientist, linguist, cartographer,photographer, writerRock was not a wallflower in any sense. Arrogant andself-possessed, he would walk into a village or warlords place as if heowned the place, said Lisa Pearson, the Arboretums head librarian.In declaring his successful returnunder the headline Seeking Strange Flowers, in the Far Reaches of theWorld, the Boston Evening Transcript ran a large photo of the daringexplorer wearing in a woolly coat and fox-skin hat. In discussing hisheroism including hair-raising escapes from death either from mountain slides,snow slides and robber armies, he waves the idea away as if it is of noimportance.The Arboretum and Rock parted waysafter 1927, mainly because his trip cost Harvard a fortuneabout $900,000 intodays dollars. Fortunately, many of his specimens, many of his amazingphotos, and his great stories remain.(1)What is the passage mainly about?A . Rocks service for the U.S government.B . Rocks cooperation with Harvard.C . Rocks work as a botanist.D . Rocks exploration in Southwest China.(2)What contribution did Rock make to the USA besides collecting new plants and specimens?A . He traveled through some uncivilized places in China.B . His hand-drawn map was used in WWII.C . He showed heroism by escaping difficulties.D . He made headlines in Boston Evening News.(3)How did Rock respond when people mentioned his heroic deeds?A . Excitedly.B . Proudly.C . CalmlyD . Nervously.(4)What caused Rock to stop work for The Arboretum?A . The vast expense.B . The dangerous journey.C . The challenging tasks.D . The unknown world.2. (2020高三上胶州月考)阅读理解Youve heard of the fatsuit and the pregnancy suit; now meet AGNESthe old person suit.AGNES stands for AgeGain Now Empathy (换位体验) System and wasdesigned by researchers at MITs AgeLab to let you know what it feelslikephysicallyto be 75 years old. The business of old age demands newtools, said Joseph Coughlin, director of the AgeLab. While focusgroups and observations and surveys can help you understand what the olderconsumer needs and wants, young marketers never get that Ah ha! moment ofhaving difficulty opening a jar, or getting in and out of a car. Thats whatAGNES provides. Coughlin and his teamcarefully adjusted the suit to make the wearer just as uncomfortable as an oldperson who has spent a lifetime eating poorly and not doing much exercise.Special shoes provide a feeling of imbalance, while braces on the knees andelbows limit joint mobility. Gloves give the feeling of decreased strength andmobility in the hands and wrists, and earplugs make it difficult to hearhigh-pitched sounds and soft tones. A helmet with straps (带) attached to it presses thespine (脊柱).AGNES has been used mostrecently by a group of students working on a design of an updated walker.By wearing the suit they could see for themselves what design and materialswould make the most sense for a physically limited older person. Coughlin saidthe suit has also been used by clothing companies, car companies and retailgoods companies to help them understand the limitations of an older consumer.An unexpected benefit theyve found with AGNES is that it has become a powerfultool to get younger people to invest in their long-term health.(1)AGNES has been developed mainly to .A . make the users more comfortableB . help old people move more quicklyC . let people understand the old betterD . remind the young to take care of their health(2)According to the article, young marketers never .A . ask what old people need a
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