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浙江省金华十校2021-2021学年高一下学期英语期末调研考试试卷一、阅读理解(共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)1. (2020高一下金华期末)阅读理解 One day, I was taking a nap in myoffice when I woke up to the sound of a car crash. I sat up and looked out ofthe window. In the parking lot, a car had just crashed into a fence. The carmust have been moving fast, because it was in bad shape. Then I watched as the driver got out ofthe car. He wore loose trousers and a crumpled(褶皱的)shirt unbuttoned to show his chest hair.Immediately, I disliked him. Then, he opened the passenger door, fromwhich a very small child ran out. A kid in the front seat!My dislike for theman increased greatly. As the child ran around in the parkinglot, the man tried to repair the damage. He tried to pull the ruined fence backinto place, but it wouldnt move. I looked out of the window, silently cheering.The man tried harder. However, suddenly, the man fell hard onto the ground withone of his shoes landing 10 feet away on the sidewalk. I think I laughed outloudly. That almostbrightened my whole morning. He stood up and walked slowly to a nearbyapartment. That, I thought, would be the end of it. The man was going to leavethe mess behind for someone else to clean up. However, a few minutes later the manappeared with some tools and for the next hour, I watched out of my window ashe stubbornly fixed the fence. Now the fence would be extra secure, strongerthan before. That man was actually a hero. My ugly assumptions(设想), Irealized, were all about myself. I would never have fixed that fence and runaway. Years later I still look out of mywindow at the fence almost every day. It makes me wonder what else that man hasimproved and how I can make myself more like him.(1)In paragraph 2, the author thought of the man as .A . irresponsibleB . impatient.C . thoughtfulD . loving(2)The underlined word That in paragraph 3 probably refers to.A . the mans trying to fix the fenceB . the mans falling onto the groundC . the mans car crashing into the fenceD . the mans kid running around cheerfully(3)What helped change the authors attitude towards the man?A . The man left his shoes on the sidewalk.B . The man protected his child from the car crash.C . The man tried to put the damaged fence in place.D . The man came back to fix and improve the fence.(4)What lesson can we learn from the authors experience?A . No pains, no gains.B . You can never be too careful.C . Dont judge a book by its cover.D . He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.2. (2020高一下金华期末)阅读理解 A man in Senegal(塞内加尔) is trying to prove he canbuild and sell drones(无人机) in his home country. Mamadou Diop has experienceworking with drones in the photography and health industries. Diop, called Dr. Droneon social media, is also one of the few people in Senegal who can repair drones. But recently, he decided totake his knowledge of drones a step further. He is trying to build a drone madeentirely in Senegal. Dions goal is to use local materials and skilled Workersin Senegal to make the drones. He wants to prove that it is possible to makethe technology in his home country. Diop says he has been able to communicatewith other drone makers in France and China through the Internet. He haslearned about their experiences to help him with his home-grown drone project. Diopplans to build his first locally-produced drone for use in the health industry.The drone will be designed to spread chemicals to prevent serious diseases. However, not all of thenecessary materials are available(可获得的) right now. One of the materials needed for Diops drone is acarbon fiber that is not available in Senegal. He says he bought the materialfrom China, and worked with local workers to shape the pieces for his drone. Hegot aluminum from a broken fridge to form part of the body for his drone. Manadou Diallow is theowner of a photography shop who often uses Diops drone services and supportshis efforts to create the first Made in Senegal drone. Thereis not a large market for drones in Senegal right now, but need for the flyersis rising, says Diallow. Diop welcomes the help, saying it is importantto start making drones locally before foreign companies come in and sell themat much higher prices.(1)Diops first drone is meant toA . train skilled drone makersB . serve in the health industryC . attract attention on social mediaD . take photos of his home country(2)One problem Diop faces with the home-grown drone project is thatA . he gets little support from the local people.B . he doesnt have enough money for the project.C . he faces much competition from both home and abroad.D . he cant get some necessary materials in his home country.(3)From Diallos words in the last paragraph, we can infer drones in Senegal will be.A . increasingly popular.B . hard to make locally.C . too expensive to afford.D . widely used in all fields
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