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xx各地中考模拟(二)(xx0604 21 01 19) A. yours B. his C. mine D. hers ( )22. This kind of pot is _ keeping tea hot. A. used in B. used for C. used as D. used by ( )23. I took the wrong train. I didnt even know it _ half an hour later. A. to B. until C. by D. after ( )24. -_, you can work out the problem easily. - I see. Thank you. A. On the way B. In this way C. By the way D. In a way ( )25. The film _ for ten minutes when I got to the cinema. A. has been on B. had started C. had been on D. had begun ( )26. I prefer _ rather than _. A. to watch TV, listening to radio B. watching TV, listening to a radio C. watching TV, listen to a radio D. to watch TV, listen to a radio ( )27. - You havent been to Hong Kong, have you? - _. How I wish to go there! A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I havent C. No, I have D. No, I havent ( )28. - Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk? - _, thanks. Id like just a cup of tea. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None ( )29. He told me that he _ never _ such a good film before. A. had, seen B. have, seen C. was, seen D. would, seen ( )30. I got up early this morning _I can catch the early bus. A. in order to B. so that C. such that D. so as that ( )31. Excuse me! Would you please _ me_? A. where is the No.1 Middle School B. the No.1 Middle School is where C. where the No.1 Middle School is D. where the No.1 Middle School ( )32. What _you supposed _when you are in Korea? A. do, to do B. are, to do C. are, doing D. have, to do ( )33. They usually plan _in Switzerland. A. to go somewhere together B. to do interesting something C. to do anything interesting D. do something interesting ( )34. I thought _very useful to know the customs of foreign countries. A. that B. to ing C. it D. to go ( )35. Its _to point at someone with your chopsticks in China. A. good B. polite C. supposed D. rude A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )32. Mary _ really quiet, but now he is very outgoing. A. used to be B. was used to be C. is used to be D. used to being ( )33. We are sure that they will _ a way to solve the difficult problem. A. put up B. e up with C. look up D. e up ( )34. A lot of children spend too much time _ TV. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching ( )35. Be careful of the dog _ does not bark. A. that B. where C. whom D. whose ( )36. Id like _ the West Hill. A. visit B. visits C. to visit D. visiting ( )37. -When _ the car _? -Sorry, I dont know. A. does/invent B. did/invent C. was/inventing D. was/invented ( )38. He _ his brother. Do you think so? I made a mistake just now. A. takes out B. takes off C. takes after D. takes away ( )39. He looked very sad. Lets _. A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. cheer up her D. cheer her up ( )40. Li Ming often practices English _ chatting with her American friend. A. by B. for C. in D. with ( )41. -Whose notebook is this?-It _ be Lindas. It has her name on it. A. must B. need C. mustnt D. cant A. The; a B. A; the C. A; a D. An; an ( )2. It is reported that a small plane from South Africa crashed(坠毁)northwest of Changsha _May 28,xx. A. on B. in C. to D. at ( )3. - My bicycle is broken. May I use_?- Sorry, Im going to use it _in a while. A. yours; me B. your; myself C. yours; myself D. yourself, myself ( ) 4. This is the book _ I have read these years. A. who B. when C. where D. that ( )5 -Where would you like to go on vacation? -Id love to go _. A. somewhere relaxing B. anywhere relaxed C. somewhere relaxed D. everywhere relaxing ( )6. _ Sarah _ Lina is going to play basketball because they both like it very much. A . Both ,and B. Neither, nor C. Not only , but also D. Either, or ( )7. Mr. White, _ car had been stolen, came to the policeman. A. who B. that C. whose D. which ( )8.Why do you look so _? Because both of our men and women ping-pong players have won the world championships. A. excited B. worried C. bored D. interested ( )9. What should we do first if we want to develop our country? A lots of roads , I think. A. have built B. must be built C. must build D. have to build ( )10. Tom realized that he _ his physics book at home when he reached school. A. left B. had left C. was leaving D. leaves ( )11. the students in this primary school is about four thousand, and of them are boys. A. A number of; three fifth B. A number of; three fifths C. The number of; three fifth D The number of; three fifths ( )12-Mum, may I watch TV now? -No, you finis
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