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化学专业英语,成绩的构成:考勤平时成绩期末考试对同学们的几点要求:按时完成作业,尽自己的力量去学习;善于与老师和同学们合作;尊重和信任他人,一、概述,学习专业英语的目的:近期目的和远期目的专业英语和基础英语的区别和联系专业英语的主要特点:词类的转化多;大量应用被动语态;复杂后置定语;复杂长句。,专业英语构词法,转化法;water,名词 动词:浇水charge,名词:电荷 动词:充电yield,名词:产率 动词:生成,dry,形容词:干的 动词:烘干slow,形容词:慢的 动词:减慢back,副词:在后,向后 动词:使后退,派生词:添加前、后缀构成一个新词:前缀:mono-,di-,tri- ,tetra- ,pent(a)- ,hex(a)- ,hept(a)- ,oct(a)- ,non(a)- ,dec(a)-后缀:-ane,-ene,-yne,-ol,-al,-yl,合成词:well-known:副词过去分词,著名的carbon steel:名词名词,碳钢by-product:介词名词,副产物pick-me-up:动词代词副词,兴奋剂out-of-door:副词介词名词,户外,压缩法:只取词头字母:CAD:computer aided designppm:parts per million,2. 将单词删去一些字母:flu:influenzalab:laboratorycorp:corporation,混成法,把两个词的一头一尾连在一起,构成一个新词:smog = smoke + fogpositron = positive + electronaldehyde = alcohol + dehydrogenation,符号法,大写字母 连字符 名词,表示外形、产品型号、牌号符I-bar,I字铁;T-square,丁字尺;X-rays,X射线;U-shaped magnet,马蹄形磁铁,数词的译法,These books are packed in tens.(每十本)These producets are counted by hundreds.(成百成百),They consulted tens of magazines.(几十本)Automation helps to increase productivity hundreds of times over.(几百),They went out by twos and threes.(三三两两)Tens of thousands of foreign friends visit this factory every year.(几万人),million billion billion atom (1024 )half of millionth of a billionth of billionth of a pound.(0.510-24),被动语态,被动语态在科技英语中约占1/3,远高于普通英语中被动句的使用频率。典型的被动句型:,It is considered thatIt is understood thatIt is supposed thatIt is suggested thatIt is noticed thatIt is prefered thatIt is generially recognized thatIt can be forseen thatIt is stressed thatIt has been shown that,It is known asIt is spoken of asIt is considered asIt is described asIt is accepted asIt is defined as,后置定语,介词短语作后置定语 In general, ethers are good solvents for fats, waxes and resins.,形容词作后置定语 All of the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are alike and have properties intermediate between those of a single and a double bond.,非限定动词(不定式、现在分词、过去分词)现在分词表示动作正在发生,有主动意义,过去分词表示动作已经完成,具有被动意义。但是,只有及物动词的过去分词有被动意义,而不及物动词的过去分词只表示已经完成了的动作。,定语从句:限制性和非限制性关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose, but, as关系副词:where, when, why, as, wherein, whereon,由As引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于表示说话人的态度和看法的插入语。As has been pointed out above, solids do not expand as much as gases and liquids.As we know, the molecules of gas move freely in all directions.,同位语从句 Have you any ideas how fast sound travels?,长句的翻译技巧英语的特点:利用各种修饰语,构成较长的简单句,利用适当的连词将简单句构成更长的并列句或者复合句,因此,科技英语中常使用长句子。汉语的特点:尽量采用几个简短的句子来说明某个概念,不经常使用较长的句子。,长句的应对方法:通读全句,判断句子的种类:简单句、并列句、复合句每个简单句,分出主要成分、次要成分和主次关系,注意时态、语态和语气。复合句,分清主句和从句。,Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or from naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed.,Gas absorption is an operation in which a gas mixture is contacted with a liquid for the purposes of preferentially dissolving one or more components of the gas and to provide a solution of these in the liquid.,There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science, in which my work is the beginning, ways and means by which other minds more acute than mine will explore its remote corners.,This is why the hot water system in a furnace will operate without the use of a water pump, if the pipes are arranged so that the hottest water rises while the coldest water runs down again to the furnace.,Theoretically, women were not supposed to be recruited into the continental army, but if a woman was a good soldier, no one made an issue of sex at a time when the army was so short of soldiers that boys not yet in their teens were also being resruited in violation of rules.,The diode consists of a tungsten filament which gives off electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate when the field is in the right direction.,Another development, by itself not strictly scientific in nature, is the growing awareness( that the energy resources at present available to the human technology are limited, and that photosynthesis is the only large scale process on earth by which a virtually inexhaustible source of energy, i.e., the radiation energy of the sun, is collected and converted into a form of energy that is not only used by plants, but all forms of life, including man.),
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