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高一英语同步测控必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes第3课时:Grammar课前预习: 引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词who, whom, whose, which和that等;关系副词有when, where, why等。关系词不仅起连接作用,而且还代表先行词并在定语从句中担任某一句子成分,关系代词作主语、宾语、定语、表语等,关系副词作状语。定语从句的结构: 先行词_ +_ +_ 先行词是人或物, 在句中充当_, _,_,_等成分用关系代词I.先行词是人,在从句中作主语和宾语用关系代词_, _,_。 who, whom,that的区别:1 介词后只能用_ ,不能用_ _。2 先行词为代词,或逗号后不用_。3 主句是特殊疑问句,已经有who,则从句引导词用_。II.先行词是事或物, 在从句中作主语、宾语,用关系代词_, _。that, which,的区别:1. 只用which: _后, _后。2. 只用that:先行词是或被指物的不定代词修饰,常用的不定代词有:_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ _, _,_, _, _等 先行词特指,为the +_(包括last, next)/ _/ _/ _等修饰时 先行词有_又有_ 先行词在从句中作_语 主句是_或_开头的特殊疑问句。3. 不用that引导在_定语从句中,直接在_后作宾语时,不能用that引导,要用whom, whose或which,且不能省略。但当介词放在从句的末尾时,可以用_替代which, _替代whom,也可以省略关系代词。当先行词是指人的all, any, few, one(s), anyone, everyone,people 等时,多用_。当先行词与关系代词之间有较复杂的短语或从句隔开时定语从句中,those who相当于意为“凡的人”,表示的是两者以上的不定数量,who引导的定语从句用复数,不能用that代替。(注意:anybody who, he who中谓语动词用单数。III. 先行词是事或物, 在从句中只用作定语,表示“的”, 后加名词, 用关系代词_。指物 = the +名词 +_, 指人= the +名词+_。IV. 关系代词whom, which前介词的选择看主句中的习惯搭配或从句中动词的搭配而决定,但从句中含有介词的短语动词一般_(拆开,不拆开),介词仍放在动词的后面。V. 定语从句常犯的问题引导词用错. 如:The book which cover is green was lost yesterday.(应改为_) 语序用错. 如:Is there anything else that can I do for you? (应改为_) 无先行词如:Is this museum _ you visited last Saturday? (应该填_ )Is this the museum _ we visited last Saturday? (应该填_ )关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数没有和_保持一致,如:Tom is the only one of the boys who _(like) playing football. (应该填_ )引导词代替的成分在从句中又出现。如:Do you know the boy whom / who / that I talked with him just now? (应改为_) 实战演练定语从句练习I. 用所给的关系代词which, that, who, whom, whose.完成以下从句: 1. The force _ causes everything to fall towards the ground is called gravity.2. A friend _ helps you in time of need is a friend indeed.3. He saw a house _ windows were all broken. 4. Everything _ can be done today mustnt be done tomorrow. 5. This is the best hotel _ I know.6. The boy with _ John spoke is my brother.7. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.8. He talked a lot about the teachers and the schools _ he had visited.9. The ninth lesson _ we are learning is the most difficult in Book One. 10. Will you please lend me the very book _ you bought yesterday?11. Mount Blanc(勃朗峰), _ they visited last month, is the highest mountain in Europe.12. The house in _ Lu Xun once lived is a museum now.13. The house _ Lu Xun once lived is a museum now.14. The house _ Lu Xun once lived in is a museum now.15. This is the museum _ we visited last Saturday. 16. Is this museum the one _ you visited last Saturday? 17. The boy _ computer doesnt work well needs your help.18. This is the best movie _ we have seen this year.19. The passengers and the suitcases _ were in the waiting room had to wait for another plane. 20. Who is the girl _ you want to make friends with?II. 把下列句子改写成定语从句。(提示:主从句的选择:主句多为:1表状态,2 表结果3 时间较后;从句多为:1 表动作 2 表原因 3时间靠前)1. I have a friend. He likes listening to classical music._ 2. Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress. I gave it to her._ 3. The students article was published. I know the student._ 4. Betty is studying English very well. She has never been abroad._ 5. My grandparents live in a house. It is more than 100 years old._ 6. The compter is too slow. I bought the computer four years ago._ 7. The man created the famous university. The man never finished college._ 8. I have ever seen the film and it is the most interesting film._ 9. They talked about the people and the things, and they remembered them in old days._ 10. The man laughed at you just now. Who is the man?_ III单句改错1. Under the big tree are 34 students, many of them come from Class Two.2. My mother has a good book, which cover looks terrible.3. Who are the young girls who are having dinner in the restaurant?4. She is one of the girls who is very interested in maths.5. Tom is the only one of the boys who like playing football.6. Who is the girl that you talked to her just now?7.
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