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达标基础练习我夯基 我达标.在下列句子的空白处填上适当的连词1.I dont know _ Mr Black put his bag the day before yesterday.解析:连接宾语从句,在从句中作状语。答案:where2.Can you tell me _ will take charge of the construction of the bridge?解析:连接宾语从句,在从句中作主语。答案:who3.But _ she was really interested in was playing computer games.解析:连接主语从句,在从句中作宾语,意为“的东西”。答案:what4.Word came _ the winner of the games will get 10000 dollars.解析:that连接同位语从句,在从句中不作句子成分。答案:that5.Would you please tell us _ Tod was absent?解析:why连接宾语从句,在从句中作状语,意为“的原因”。答案:why6.They want to make it clear _ they are doing something of great importance.解析:that引导宾语从句,作真正的宾语。答案:that7.One sign _ you are making progress in an art such as painting or photography is you begin to realize how much there is to learn.解析:第一个that连接同位语从句,第二个that连接表语从句。答案:that;that8.Can you tell me _ of the books is worth reading?解析:which连接宾语从句,在从句中作主语,意为“哪本”。答案:which9.This is _ we will discuss at the conference to be held tomorrow.解析:what连接表语从句。答案:what10. _we should improve the living standard of the farmers remains a problem.解析:how引导主语从句,意为“如何”。答案:How .根据句意和首字母提示补全句子1.Tom Crusoe spent several years on the d island and made a living on wild fruits.答案:deserted2.P,I dont like the painting,though many people think it good.答案:Personally3.In the flood twenty people were d and more missing.答案:drowned4.In the war,the soldier was badly w in the head.答案:wounded5.Its not polite to s at the foreigners.答案:stare6.He asked her to marry him and she a his proposal.答案:accepted7.She has been dieting in order to r her weight.答案:reduce8.The goods must be f by plane,or it cant arrive on time.答案:flown9.A s rain fell down and all of us are wet.答案:sudden10.Many r animals can only be seen in this zoo.答案:rare.选择填空1. _ she couldnt understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A.What;whyB.That;whyC.What;becauseD.Why;that解析:understand在句中是及物动词,但没有宾语紧跟其后,所以主语从句的引导词应作understand的宾语;“她不明白的”是问题而不是原因。答案:A2.The news has spread all over the country _ the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.A.whatB.whichC.whetherD.that解析:句中the news的具体内容是“the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth”,所以从句是the news的同位语,由that引导。答案:D3.The result is not the same _ I had expected, was rather disappointing.A.as;whichB.which;asC.as;thatD.that;which解析:the same as是固定搭配;句子的后半部分是非限制性定语从句,用which引导。答案:A4.Mrs.Bush _ an invitation yesterday,but she didnt _ it.A.accepted;receivedB.accepted;acceptedC.received;receivedD.received;accept解析:前一个空表示动作,后一个空表示结果:先收到才能决定接不接受。答案:D5.Harry cant help _ the house because hes busy with his homework.A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanedD.being cleaned解析:题干中的cant help是“不能帮忙”的意思,后面接动词不定(带to或不带to均可)。答案:B6.Im sorry.I didnt see you just now.It doesnt matter.You _ at the sky.A.were glancingB.glancedC.were staringD.stared解析:glance是“迅速地看”,stare是“凝视、盯着看”,用过去进行时表示在过去某一段时间里正在进行的动作。答案:C7.People in South China rice_.A.live onB.feed onC.rest on D.keep on解析:指“人以为食”时用live on,而feed on一般用于指动物。答案:A8.Attention,please.And keep _ when I am taking a photo of you.A.calmB.quietC.stillD.silent解析:照相时姿势应该保持不动,still在句中指没有运动,静止的。calm指内心的平静,quiet指环境的安静,silent指沉默不语。答案:C9.Can you _ what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?A.connectB.keep in touch withC.relateD.join to解析:注意题干中的介词to,relate sth.to sth.是“把与联系起来”的意思。答案:C10.Did you look up the time of trains to Beijing?Yes,the earliest one is _ to leave at 6:06 am.A.likelyB.aboutC.possibleD.due解析:一般来说,火车出发的时间是准确的,due是“预定的”的意思。答案:D.翻译下面的句子1.男孩伸手够树上的苹果,但它太高了。(reach out)_答案:The boy reached out for the apple on the tree,but it was too high._2.我正在看电视,突然听到有人喊我的名字。(all of a sudden)_答案:I was watching TV,when,all of a sudden,I heard somebody calling my name.3.老师认为他提供的迟到的原因讲不通,简直是一个借口。(make sense)_答案:The teacher didnt think the reason he gave for his being late made sense.It was an excuse.4.看到这可怕的情景,我被吓呆了。(be frozen with)_答案:At the sight of the terrible scene,I was frozen with fear.5.盯着别人看,是不礼貌的行为。(stare at)_答案:Its not polite to stare at others.6.牛羊马主要以草为食。(feed on)_答案:Sheep,cows and horses feed mainly on the green grass.听力训练第一节
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