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精选课件ppt,1,Using can ,could, may and might,Kitty, can I borrow your dictionary?,精选课件ppt,2,Excuse me, sir. May I have a look at the name of your book?,精选课件ppt,3,Mr Wu, could I ask you some questions about Mars?,精选课件ppt,4,Kitty -Can ? Mr Wu - Could ? Sir - May?,friend,teacher,stranger,精选课件ppt,5,Working out the rule,Informal,Formal,Formal and polite,Very formal,Used with friends,Used with teachers or adults(成人),Used with strangers and people you respect,Very polite but rarely used(很少使用),精选课件ppt,6,Practice,Writing sentences to ask for permission in the following situations,Situation 1 You are on a bus and the person in front of you has the window open. It starts to rain and youre getting wet.,May I close the window?,精选课件ppt,7,Practice,Writing sentences to ask for permission in the following situations,Situation 2 Your cousin is watching a boring programme on TV. You ask her permission to change the channel.,Can I change the channel?,精选课件ppt,8,Practice,Writing sentences to ask for permission in the following situations,Situation 3 Your uncle and aunt have invited you to join them in a walk in the park. You want to take your dog with you.,Could I bring my dog?,精选课件ppt,9,Learning for use,1 Dad, _ (may, could) I take your camera? Yes, you _(can, may). 2 _(May, Can) I borrow this helmet, madam? No, you _(couldnt, may not). 3 _(Might, Can) I borrow your sports shoes, Mike? Yes, you _(can, may).,could,can,May,may not,Can,can,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,
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