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,Unit6A Lets learn,教师:文小语 时间:December 1, 2020,小学英语五年级上册PEP版,目录,U6 In a nature park,A Learn P59,Whats the weather like today? Its sunny.,nature park,自然公园,Map of the Nature Park,There is a mountain in the nature park.,Tai Mountain- Shandong,Yellow Mountain- Anhui,Emei Mountain- Sichuan,There is a hill in the nature park.,There is _ in the nature park.,e r,a river,theYangtzeRiver,The longest(最长的) river in China,(6300km),the Yellow River,The second longest(最长的) river in China,(5464 km),There is _.,cake,make,a lake in the nature park,There is a _ in the nature park.,mountain,hill,lake,river,There are two _ in the nature park.,forests,“火眼金睛”,屏幕上会快速闪过一个单词,请同学们立即说出这个单词。,lake,hill,Lets play the game,Who is missing? 谁消失了?,forest,mountain,hill,lake,river,Who is missing?,forest,mountain,hill,lake,river,Who is missing?,forest,mountain,hill,lake,river,Who is missing?,forest,mountain,hill,lake,river,Who is missing?,forest,mountain,hill,lake,river,Who is missing?,1. Is there a river on the mountain?,No, there isnt.,2. Is there a lake on the mountain?,No, there isnt.,Its _ the mountain.,in front of,3. Is there a hill in the nature park?,Yes, there is.,4. How many forests are there in the nature park?,There are two forests.,Now,lets draw a nature park. P59,lake,river,forest,house,zoo,moutain,(3分钟),A: Is there a _ on the mountain? B: Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. A: Is there a _ on the mountain? B: Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.,Pair work,(讨论你们刚刚设计的mountain),lake,river,forest,house,zoo,Homework,1.Listen, read and recite the words on p59. 2. Copy the words for 7+1. 3. Continue to draw the nature park, make it more reasonable and beautiful.,提示:双击打开后可根据需要进行编辑,打印,保存。,欢,迎,下,载,提示:双击打开后可根据需要进行编辑,打印,保存。,欢,迎,下,载,提示:双击打开后可根据需要进行编辑,打印,保存。,欢,迎,下,载,提示:双击打开后可根据需要进行编辑,打印,保存。,欢,迎,下,载,感谢孩子们的认真倾听,THANK YOU!,
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