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Hitler,(April 20.1889April 30 1945),Introduction,Important story,effect,Fantasy of youth : Talent in painting,political career,1 From a wanderer became a soldier . Because of good eloquence (口才), he was reuse . (He was accepted to join the German workers .and this is an important turn of his life. Foundation of his later life .nazi party ) After several twists and turns , he got the highest power of German.(fortune and misfortune) The disaster of the world begins.,Hitler and his crazy fans,Persecuted the Jews,Since 1933, the Nazi party began to dictatorship in power , Then, a large anti-Jews action became prevail. ( gun ,waste gas ,Hydrogen Cyanide Gas) 2 The Holocaust from the June 22, 1941 , is a large-scale massacres of Jews who living in rural areas of the Soviet Union .In the German ethnic cleaning campaign ,nearly six million Jews were killed. The fundamental purpose is to find an excuse for war (concentration camp ),Naked body all over the hill and dale .,Nazis is killing the Jews .,the way to the war,In 1938, he began to expand the territory of Germany, the following year ,he sent troops to Austria and the Czech Republic ,invaded Poland, caused World War II and it lasted for nearly five years.,2 With the November 1942 and 1943 February the Germans were defeated at Stalingrad and began the retreat, the Soviet Union has begun to strategic Strikes Back. Nevertheless, Hitler was announced that the war at any cost to carry on. At the end of 1944, the Allies had invaded Germann. Hitlers defeat has been set.,effect,Hitler : (affirmative) He can be described as a legendary figure from scratch, once the worlds top leaders, and his life is full of contradictions which is worthy of our study. Why there is no large-scale war broke out? World War II hurt mankind deeply (especially the Europeans, Europeans is particular anti-war). If it is not Hitler brought the war to the most brutal side, human beings can not be so clearly recognized the devastating war . contributed to the establishment of Israel accidentally. Jews have been nomads and they scattered all over the world, Hitlers Holocaust made them aware of the importance of building up their own country.,world war :,1 The formation of the political situation in the world ,which is socialism and capitalism. 2 Promoted the rapid development of modern economy.(weapon) 4 the United Nations was born .(peace),proverb:,1.I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses. 我来到这个世界不是让人们更加完善,而是来利用他们的弱点的。,2.It s a weak civilization if it cant be carried forward and pretected by certain mighty ,and will be conquered by crulty sooner or later. 如果一种文明没有一种强大的力量来发扬和保护,那么这种文明是脆弱的,迟早会被野蛮所征服。,3.the first step to eliminate one nation is to disintegrate its language which embodied its culture that started from schools. 要消灭一个民族,首先瓦解它的文化;要瓦解它的文化,首先消灭承载它的语言;要消灭这种语言,首先先从他们的学校里下手,4. Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace does it perish. 人类在永恒的斗争中壮大,在永恒的和平中毁灭。,Thank you,
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