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让你提升面试成功率的职场英语 导语:以下7个技巧让你提升面试成功率的职场英语,欢迎阅读! Use your phone to do a video selfie and check for food in teeth, lipstick on teeth, clumps of mascara etc. 先用手机自拍一段视频看看,检查牙齿上有没有菜叶子、口红,看看睫毛膏有没有结块什么的。 People definitely notice when you are poorly presented and even something small like this can distract the interviewer. 如果你的形象准备不充分,人们是真的会留意到的,而且即使是这样细小的细节也会让面试官分心。 A trick I learned in sales was to turn up 20 minutes before my meetings and hang out in the lobby (or one nearby if they dont have one). 在销售生涯中我学到过一个小技巧,就是在会议前,我通常会先去大堂逛逛(如果对方那没有,就在附近找一个)。 If it was a hot day, I want to cool down so I am not a sweaty disaster. 如果天气很热,我会想找个地方凉快下来,这样就不会让自己变成个满身臭汗的灾难。 I also used to bring my headphones and listen to a few songs I like that helped me get into the zone. You will see many athletes doing this which is where I stole the idea from. 我还会戴上耳机听几首我喜欢的歌来帮助自己进入状态。你也许看过许多运动员这么干过,我就是从他们那里偷学来的。 在你去前台报道之前,先去上厕所。 If you are waiting in reception or the interview room read your resume first. If you did not bring it then read a magazine if one is available. 如果你在前台或面试厅中等待,先把你的简历读一下。如果你没带就先读一下杂志。 Tapping away on your phone when they arrive can be distracting and some interviewers find it rude (especially the older interviewers). 操作手机会让你在面试官到达的时候注意力不集中,而且有些面试官会觉得这很失礼(特别是那些上了年纪的面试官) Reception often do not offer you water. The interviewer might but they are often just being polite and dont expect you to say yes. 前台通常不会提供水。面试官倒是会出于礼貌问下是否要水,但是他们并不希望你真的说“要”。 If the interview is going to go for a while a dry throat can really start to impact you. 如果面试进行得比较长(这通常是好兆头),你的喉咙肯定会干,而这将影响你的发挥。 Nearly always it will be the interviewer who makes the introduction. 一般来讲,面试开始时的破冰阶段总是由面试官发起的。 A simple response of Great to meet you X, I am really looking forward to our chat today is all you need. 而你所需要做的回应只是:“很高兴见到您XXX,我很期待今天的约谈。” Then the normal small talk. 然后就可以开始正常的寒暄了 模板,内容仅供参考
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