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历年中考英语单选集训 2018 长沙 21-The weather report says its going to have a shower this afternoon -It does ? Wed better _now , just in case Ato leave Bleaving Cleave 22-Is the man over there Adam? -It _be him He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation Amust Bcant Cmustnt 23. -Do the twins look the same? -NoJane is _taller than Claire Alittle Bmore Ca little 24. - How many apples can I have? -You can have two _are for Jim AThe others BOthers CThe other 25. You mustnt drive a car on the road _you get a drivers license Aunless Bif Csince 26-Mom, I bought us two tickets to the 2018World Cup in Russia -Really?_pleasant surprise! AHow BWhat CWhat a 27British physicist Stephen Hawking, who _as the smartest man alive, passed away in England on March 14,2018 Apraised Bwas praised Cwill be praised 28. As long as the whole of our society _trying, we will make our skies blue again Akeeps Bwill keep Ckept 29. Kids , I hope youll remember the good old days _we spent together in junior high though its time to say goodbye Awho Bwhat Cwhich 30. -Does anybody want to share _on Fathers Day? -Guess what ? Ill write a poem for my dad Awhen will you shop Bwhat you will do Cwhere you will go 2017 长沙 21.Hello,John. This is Mike. What are you doing now? Im watching a football match. It started at 7:30 p.m. and on for another one hour. A. has beenB. wasC. will be 22. April 22nd , people around the world celebrate Earth Day in the countryside? A. InB. AtC. On 23. 一 There s in the city. Why not have a picnic in the countryside? 一 Great.Daweishan Mountain might be a good choice . A. interesting somethingB. nothing interestingC. anything interesting 24. carefully ,please! Look at the road sign. There is a school ahead . A. DriveB. To driveC. Driving 25. 一 Is there anybody who can lend me a band? 一 Im afraid not. You know ,you are supposed to depend on A. myselfB. yourselfC. themselves 26. Not only my parents but a1so my sister crazy about the TV play in the Name of People . A. Is B. areC. have been 27. 一 Philips ,you make so much noise when your little sister is sleeping? 一 Sorry,Mum. Ill stop right away. A. canB. mayC. must 28 . Shared bikes ,which are environmentally friendly,quite popular among big cities in China since last Apri1 A. becameB. have become C. will become 47.Well achieve our dreams some day we keep trying and never give up A. as long asB. even though C. so that 30.一 Could you please tell me? 一 For two weeks. A. how soon he will be back B. how long he will be away C. how long will he be away 20l6 长沙 21Miss Smith, an American lady, has taught _ English for three years. Awe Bus Cour 22 _ will you fly to Beijing? In two days. AHow long BHow oftenCHow soon 23 I think Ill take a bus to the meeting. The bus? If you_, you will be late. Ado Bhave done Cwill do 24 What do you think of the movie Zootopia? Hmm I think it is _ movie that I have ever seen these years. Aa good Ba better Cthe best 25Your coat fits you well. Thank you. I_ it when I was on vacation. Ahave bought Bbuy Cbought 26 Did you win the game yesterday? Not really. _we all tried our best, we lost it. AIf BThough CUnless 27 Finally, they came back. They _be hungry after such a long walk. Acant Bmust Cneednt 28 Jane s spoken English is pretty good. Yeah, she works hard and practices _ it both in and out of class. Aspoke Bto speak Cspeaking 29 What are you doing, Tim? I am listening to the song Long Live _ makes me feel excited. Awhich BwhoC/ 30Now smart phones _ in many ways in our daily life. Aare used Bis used Care using 2015 长沙 21.-_ I use your dictionary? - Of course. But please return it to me before you leave. A. MustB. NeedC. May 22. There is _ wrong with my back and it hurts seriously. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothing 23. Its necessary for us _ to our parents when we have problems. A. to talkB. talkingC. talk 24. Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight? - No, I _it last week. A. seeB. have seenC. saw 25. Rose,could you please water the flowers in the garden? -Why _? You see, my brother is listening to music. A. meB. IC. mine 26. JaneZhang is going to hold a concert here in July. - Really? _ exciting news! A. HowB. What anC. What 27.- I called you last night , but you didnt answer. - Sorry, Grace. I_I am A Singer when the phone rang. A. am watchingB. was watchingC. have watched 28. _he had failed many times, he didnt give up and succeeded in the end. A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. If 29. There will be _ cars in the city because people will prefer the subway. A. fewerB. lessC. more 30. Couldyou tell me _the Dragon Boat Festival in China? -Sure. People usually watch the dragon boat races and eat zongzi. A. when do people celebrateB. why people celebrateC. how people celebrate 2014 长沙 21. My sister is old enough to dress_ now. A. himself B. herself C. myself 22. Mother
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