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上海牛津英语八年级词汇短语总结Unit 1Part 1: Wordsv. 破坏;毁坏 _n. 毁灭,毁坏 _n.产品 _v. 生产 _v.呼吸 _n.呼吸 _n.科学家 _n.科学 _adj. 科学的 _adj.纯净的 _adv. 纯净地 _v.净化,使纯净 _adj.化学的 _n.化学物质 _n.化学学科 _n.化学家 _v./n 交流,交换 _v./n. 改变,替换 _v.容纳 _n.容器 _v.交流,沟通 _n.交流,沟通 _v.公告,宣布 _n.发言人 _n.声明,公告 _【强化训练】Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. The farmer looked sad when his vegetables were d_ in the flood. He didnt know what he could do. 2. I think boxing is very dangerous. Maybe it leads to terrible injuries like brain d_ and makes people to be violent by turning fight into a sport. 3. The morning exercises can keep your whole class l_and healthy.4.Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳) can do h_to humans, so it is very dangerous to b_in. 5. Pandas are in great danger, so people provide special p_for them. 6. These products are not popular, because many people think they are natural and contain some c_.7. Better communication can lead to an e_ cooperation(合作). 8. The air in the room was p_.9. Food will last longer if kept in an airtight(密封的) c_.Keys: v. 破坏;毁坏 destroyn. 毁灭,毁坏 destructionn.产品 productv. 生产 producev.呼吸 breathen.呼吸 breathn.科学家 scientistn.科学 scienceadj. 科学的 scientificadj.纯净的 pureadv. 纯净地 purelyv.净化,使纯净 purifyadj.化学的 chemicaln.化学物质 chemistryn.化学学科 chemistryn.化学家 chemistv./n 交流,交换 exchangev./n. 改变,替换 changev.容纳 contain n.容器 containerv.交流,沟通 communicaten.交流,沟通 communication1. destroyed2. Damage3. Lively4. Harm, Breathe5. protection6. Chemicals7. Enjoyable8. Pure9. ContainerPart 2: Phrases1. 平均年龄 _2. 事实上 _3. 保护某人免遭_4. 和交流 _5. 生物 _6. 从吸收 _7. 连接在一起 _8. 因感谢某人 _9. 把释放进_10. 1.5公顷 _11. 对了解许多 _12. 警告某人不要做某事 _13. 尝起来难吃 _14. 把某物递给某人 _Keys:1. the average age2. In fact3. protect sb. from sth.4. Communicate with5. living things6. Take from7. jointogether8. Thank sb. for sth.9. releaseinto10. One and a half hectares= one hectare and a half11. know a lot about12. Warn sb. not to do sth13. taste nasty14. Pass sth. to sb.Unit 2Part 1: 8B U2词性转换整理序号单词词性释义1valuen.价值valuelessadj.无价值的;不值钱的valuableadj.有价值的2treatmentn.处理;加工treatv.治疗;对待3bathev.洗澡;沐浴bathn.洗澡;沐浴4sciencen.科学scientistn.科学家scientificadj.科学的;系统的5freezev.使冻住;使结冰frozenadj.冻结的;冷酷的freezingadj.寒冷的6comfortn.舒适;安慰comfortableadj.舒适的uncomfortableadj.不舒服的;不安的comfortablyadv.舒服地;充裕地7patientadj.耐心的;能容忍的impatientadj.不耐烦的impatiencen.不耐烦;无耐心【强化训练】Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms1. Arguing about such details has wasted many hours of their _ time. (value)2. The pain disappeared because he received timely_. (treat)3. Meat from New Zealand is _ and brought to England in special ships. (freeze)4. _ inventions such as computers have raised labour productivity. (science)5. Blinded by the steam, he had to fish around for the soap in his _. (bathe)6. She leads a happy and _ life, never lacking for money or friends. (comfort)7. When people have to wait a long time, they will become uncomfortable and _. (patient)8. The great ship was like a _ building. (float)【答案】1. valuable 2. treatment 3. frozen 4. scientific 5. bath 6. comfortable 7. impatient 8. floatingPart 2: Phrases1.大量的_2.开着_3. 倒入_4.环顾四周_5.掉入_6.加速下滑_7.记得去做某事_8.记得做过某事 _9. 回应_Keys:1. a large amount of + u2. be on3. pour into4. look around5. drop into6. speed down7. remember to do8. remember doing9. reply toUnit 3I. Fill in the blanks.8B Unit 3 Words & expressionsservantserveservicen. v. n.仆人为提供服务服务electricityelectricelectricalelectricianelectronicn. adj.adj.n.adj.电;电能电动的;用电的与电力有关的电工电子的foolishfooladj.n./v.愚蠢的傻瓜/愚弄monthmonthlyn. adj./adv.月份每月的/每月一次explanationexplainn.v.解释;说明解释;讲解invisiblevisibleadj.adj.看不见的;隐形的看的见的;明显的carecarefu
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