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大学英语一年级期末试卷(A)Class_ Name _ NO. _I. Choose the best answer. (15%) 1. Tim is working for a big company. He is working for a big _. A. society B. firm C. factory D. shop2. On the last day he made a big decision. It was the _ day of his holiday. A. final B. end C. bottom D. latest3. Joe wins every time. He always _ Tom. A. beats B. wins C. gains D. earns4. John grows more flowers. More flowers _ in his garden. A. grow B. grow up C. grow big D. grown up5. Good morning, I _. A. talked B. asked C. said D. told6. He replied in English. He _ the writer in English. A. responded B. returned C. answered D. remarked7. This note is only a reminder. It will help _. A. you remind B. your souvenir C. your remembrance D. you to remember8. I have been offered a large _ of money. A. number B. some C. amount D. piece9. I felt nervous because I felt _. A. angry B. anxious C. cross D. exciting10. The PRC was founded _ October 1st, 1949. A. in B. to C. on D. at11. He asked me if I _ the play. A. had seen B. saw C. have seen D. see12. Mr. Brown, I said _ a voice.A. in B. with C. on D. under13. Most of the young people will be there. _ the young people will be there.A. A lot B. Some C. Nearly all D. Many14. Joes garden is interesting. Joe is _ in gardening.A. interesting B. interest C. interestingly D. interested15. Tony usually gets his salary at he end of the _A. day B. year C. month D. weekII. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. (5%)1. He did not know how to fight, but he knocked the boxer _.2. This flowerpot is broken. Who knocked it _?3. Listen! Someone is knocking _ the door.4. He gave _ all his books.5. Did you enter _ this examination?6. Jansen set _ a new world record for the 400 meters.7. When do we have to give _ our compositions?8. She has to be patient _ him.9. Is your watch made _ gold.10. This machine was made _ China.III Choose the correct words in the following. (5%)1. Yesterday I (took) (received) a present from Aunt Jane.2. I (took) (received) the letter with me.3. I cooked this (in) (on) the way you showed me.4. (On) (By) the way, have you seen Harry recently?5. Everybody (believe) (believes) he will win.6. I asked him to (borrow) (lend) me $20.7. Workmens (wages) (salaries) have gone up a lot in the last year.8. Theyre the (students) (students) exercise books.9. (Except) (Apart from) being a bit too long, the play was very good.10. Dont forget to (remind) (remember) me about it tomorrow.IV. Summary Writing. (15%)Read the following passage, and then answer these questions in not more than 50 words.回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过50个单词。I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. I have never borrowed any money from you, Tony said, so now you can pay for my dinner!1. Where were you having dinner?2. Did you see Tony Steele after a while or not?3. What does he always borrow from his friends?4. Did Tony sit at your table, or did he sit somewhere else?5. How much did you ask him to lend you?6. Did he give you the money at once or not?7. What did he want you to do?V. Reading Comprehension. (10%)Passage ABill, with his father, went to see his grandfather. In the train Bill often put his head out of the window. His father said, Dont do that. Bill! Its dangerous. But Bill went on putting his head out of the window. So his father took Bills hat quietly, hide it behind his back and said, Now you see your hat is away, So Bill was afraid. Then his father said, Well, whistle(吹口哨) once. Your hat may come back. Bill whistled. His father put quietly the hat on Bills head again. Bill laughed. He took his fathers hat and threw it out of the window. Now its your turn to whistle, Dad! The boy said happily. 1. How did Bill and his father go to see Grandpa? A. On food. B. By train C. On a bus D. In ship 2. What did the boy often do in the train? A. He often spoke to his father B. He often played with his hat. C. He often whistled. D. He often put his head out of the window. 3. Why did his father hide Bills hat? A. To make Bill worried B. So Bill wont put his head out of the window C. His father just played a joke with him. D.
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