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,PPT汇编实用可编辑,20XX年X月,整理自网络,Tips for improving filter life,Aquarius System,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,PM-0063-11/2015-1,2,肾脏替代治疗“的内容,肾脏替代治疗的基本内容 滤器的选择 抗凝剂的应用,3,精品ppt实用借鉴,CRRT命名的发展,CRRT: Continuous renal replacement therapy(连续肾脏替代治疗) ICBP: Intensive care blood purification(重症血液净化) CBP: Continuous Blood purification (连续血液净化) MOST:Multi Organ Support Therapy (多脏器支持疗法),4,精品ppt实用借鉴,CRRT 的特点和优越性,CRRT是缓慢、连续排除水分,模拟尿的排泄方式。更符合生理状态,能较好地维护血流动力学稳定;容量波动小;溶质清除率高;有利于营养改善及能清除细胞因子,从而改善危重ARF患者的预后,更好的血液动力学稳定性 更好的溶液控制能力和清除多余水分 累积的更好溶质清除性 维持尿排泄并保存残余肾功能 清除炎症介质 改善营养支持,5,精品ppt实用借鉴,CRRT的分类,SCUF-缓慢连续超滤 CAVH-连续动静脉血液滤过 CVVH-连续静静脉血液滤过 HVHF高容量血液滤过 CAVHD-连续动静脉血液透析 CVVHD-连续静静脉血液透析 CVVHFD连续静静脉高通量透析 CAVHDF-连续动静静脉血液透析滤过 CVVHDF-连续静静脉血液透析滤过 MPS- 血浆置换 HP- 血液灌流和免疫吸附 CRRT 以一种更符合机体生理特性的方式,连续地清除机体多余的水分和毒素,调节酸碱和电解质的平衡,来有效地维持机体内环境的稳定。不单用于急性肾衰,还是救治许多危重病症的有力辅助手段。,6,精品ppt实用借鉴,原理与机制,弥散,对流,吸附,500,5000,50000,7,精品ppt实用借鉴,Solute Classes by Molecular Weight,Daltons,8,炎症介质的特征,9,精品ppt实用借鉴,炎症介质的特征,10,精品ppt实用借鉴,PSHF系列滤器筛选系数/高截留分子量,11,精品ppt实用借鉴,如何选择血滤器 ?,12,精品ppt实用借鉴,Molecular Weights (分子的重量或分子量的大小),Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,Ashley et all. The Renal Drug Handbook, 2nd Ed. 2004, Medical Press, Abingdon, UK. ISBN: 1857758730,13,New functional membrane with defined larger pore size,HCO membrane,14,精品ppt实用借鉴, 0,01 m, 0,02 m, 0,09 m, 0,30 m,: pore diameter,high flux,high cut-off*,protein separation membrane,plasma separation membrane,Variation of membrane pore size,Electron micrographs of inner membrane surface,15,High Cut-Off Hemofilter,16,精品ppt实用借鉴,Sieving Coefficient,A sieving coefficient is the measure of how easily a substance passes from the blood compartment to the dialysate compartment in a haemofilter. Thus, a sieving coefficient of 1.0 means the solute is 100% filterable; i.e. in a haemofilter, the solute will equilibrate on both sides of the membrane. So the returning blood and the effluent both have the same concentration (50:50). An example is potassium (sieving coefficient is 1.0) A sieving coefficient of 0 means the solute does not cross the membrane, eg. albumin. Of course, this all depends on the membrane, and sieving coefficients will vary depending on the pore size. DEFINITION:The cut-off point of a solute for any membrane is a sieving coefficient of 0.1 . This means that 10% of the molecules will pass and 90% will not pass .,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,17,Molecular Weight Da,Standard HighFlux,High Cut-Off,HF, UF=1L/h, t=2h,Median, 25th-75th percentiles),ICM (2002) 28:651-655,HCO Membrane with increased permeability for inflammatory mediators,membrane characteristics,18,精品ppt实用借鉴,Molecular weight,Ashley et all. The Renal Drug Handbook, 2nd Ed. 2004, Medical Press, Abingdon, UK. ISBN: 1857758730 Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,HF1200 Haemofilter Cut-Off 55 000 daltons,19,Comparison of Interleukin-6 Removal Properties among Hemofilters Consisting of Varying Membrane Materials and Surface Areas,Recent Studies in Membrane,20,全身抗凝,局部抗凝,无肝素抗凝 肝素 低分子肝素钙,鱼精蛋白 枸橼酸,抗凝的选择,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,21,积极主动预防管路的凝血,利用重新预冲和循环模式清除管路及滤器中的气泡 仔细观察预冲后管路的通畅. 保持静脉壶的血液水平在二分之一以上, 减少气血接触防止静脉小壶的凝血,静脉 小壶的凝血影响了血液的流速 压力降,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,22,预防滤器内的凝血(Filtration Ratio%),保持超滤比率在 25 %一下.超滤比率是衡量滤器中 血液浓度 (血流速率与滤出是百分比). 是多少血夜 进入滤器和多少液体排除的比较。 目标血流速度的目的制定达到低的超滤比率, 从而达到更长的滤器使用寿命. 高的血流速度可以达到低的超滤比率 如果临床需求允许可以提高血流速10 15% 当连接病人时,可以延长治疗直到血流速度达到要求 尽可能的在病人开始治疗时防止血液的浓缩,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,23,预防滤器内的凝血(Recirculation),重复循环模式:连接病人之前重复循环 20 - 40 /min , 重复循环可以侵泡滤器的纤维,同时排空纤维中的 空气 . 滤器的纤维经过侵泡更加的饱满,改善血流通过 纤维的流量,排除极小的气泡防止早期的凝血. 一个循环时间在20 20/ minutes . 滤器和管路基本可以 72 小时使用, 但这包括重复使用的时间.,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,24,Filtration Fraction(滤过分数),Filtration Fraction 滤过分数是 总液体通过 滤器的量与超滤量的相比 滤过分数通常是尽可能的低,理想是25% Filtration Fraction 滤过分数是 不会受到前 稀释泵的影响 Filtration Fraction 滤过分数是会受到血流速 的影响 .,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,25,超滤比率 Filtration Ratio,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,Filtration Ratio是表示滤器中血液浓度增加 . 理想的超滤比率在低于 25%. Filtration Ratio 是受到前稀释泵的影响 . Filtration Ratio 是受到血流速的影响.,26,Filtration Ratio and blood pump speed,Postdilution (l/h) Blood Pump Speed (mls/min) 60 (mins) = Filtration Ratio /1000 3l/h Exchange 3 1 100mls/min x 60 mins = 6 = 2 = 50% Filtration Ratio /1000 3l/h Exchange 3 1 200mls/min x 60 mins = 12 = 4 = 25% Filtration Ratio 3l/hr Exchange 3 1 300mls/min x 60 mins = 18 = 6 = 17% Filtration Ratio,Copyright 2015 NIKKISO Co., LTD. All rights reserved.,27,肝素是如何工作的?,Heparin肝素抑制导致血液凝固和纤维蛋白凝块形成的反应. 肝素在抗凝系统中是多部位的作用. 小剂量的肝素,与抗凝血酶III结合, 可以抑制凝血酶块的形成通过消除 Factor X因子. 减少了凝血素转化成凝血酶 治疗剂量的肝素有利于血滤器的寿命.,5Ronco et al. Effects of different doses in continuous veno-venous haemofiltration on outcomes of acute renal fail
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