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初中英语外研版七年级上册高效课堂资料G7AM2U1一、教学内容分析教学内容教学对象英语外研版七年级上册Module1 Unit1 第一课时初二学生教学项目词汇feeling smell feel quiet salty sour fresh lovely smart pretty later soft cheese cookie try 语言运用 能运用指示代词和名词所有格,通过复习,能运用人称代词的主格形式和形容词性物主代词教学方法任务教学法 学生中心教学法 多媒体教学法 归纳教学法教学目标语言知识(1)能听懂、会读、会说单词:mother, father, grandpa, grandma, sister, brother, aunt, daughter, family, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, parents, son, uncle, these, they, who, woman, husband, those.(2)能听懂、会读、会说句子:Is this/that your motherfathergrandpa.? Are these/those ?/Who is this/that?/Who are these/those?(3)语音能识别并正确朗读/h/,/b/,/p/语言技能(1) 能听懂、会运用句型“This is ./These are ./Are these .?Is this ?”介绍自己的家庭成员,以及询问他人的家庭成员;(2) 能够跟录音有表情的朗读对话。文化意识了解中西方家庭的差异情感态度培养学生学习英语的兴趣,大胆开口说英语,通过介绍和询问家庭成员,培养对家庭的热爱和家庭成员的关心,对家庭不幸的同学的同情和理解。学习策略(1) 培养话题和词汇的语境意识,形成话题联想的习惯。(2) 相互介绍自己家庭情况,关心他人的家庭,培养移情策略。(3) 树立自主学习意识。学会归纳、总结所学语言知识。(4) 能够从同伴获取反馈,修改并用英语做相关事情。教学重点教学难点1)掌握家庭成员称呼的名词。2)掌握单复数句型的变化规律。3)掌握名词所有格的用法。掌握家庭成员的单词以及this,these,that和those的用法。1)运用一般疑问句的单复数句型询问家庭成员。2)单复数句型的变化规律。3)名词所有格的用法,用介词描述人或物的基本方位。运用任务 学习技能 学习层次 教学媒体听说读写知道理解运用黑板录音录像课件词语教学结构教学课文教学二、课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的(一)Pre-listening(8分钟)热身活动1.Greeting.2.Warming-upPlay the song of I love my family. Let the students watch them.After enjoying the video, ask them to answer some questions.T: What is the song about ?S1: About family.T: What can you remember about the song?S2: mother , father ,brother.T:Do you enjoy it ?Ss: Yes, I do. T: Do you love your family? Yes or No?Ss: Yes.Then let the Ss look at some pictures about families.3.Vocabulary study:Step 1:Show the students a photo of My family. Lets know my family members, OK?T:Is this your family?S:No,it isn,t.T:Is this your mum?S:No,it isn,t.呈现一张教师本人的“全家福”(多媒体展现),教师介绍自己的家人:(用this,these,that,those)This/That is my(家庭成员的单词)These are my parents/grandparents.They are my parents/grandparents.呈现Tony,s family(多媒体展现),教学生用this,these,that和those介绍Tony,s family,一边介绍,一边纠正新单词(家庭成员的单词)的读音。1.Say hello to each other.2.Enjoy the song of I love my family. After enjoying the video, answer some questions.Lead the students to say the members of family通过复习单词和重点词组,进一步熟悉和掌握本单元的学习内容,帮助学生回忆所学,为下一步的学习做好准备和铺垫让学生观赏flash歌曲,进行课前热身,歌曲欣赏,以学生喜闻乐见的形式导入新课,创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学习兴趣。通过师生对话,过渡自然,迅速步入主题,引出感官连系动词。拿着一张教师本人的“全家福”进行问答,目的是启发学生的兴趣,让学生积极主动的理解课题.(目的是为学生学习Tony,s family更通俗易懂)(二)While-listening(8分钟)Listening1.Listen and answer:(1)-How many people are talking in the dialogue (对话)? (2)-What is the name of Tonys sister? 2. Listen again and choose the correct answer.Listen carefully and pay attention to listening tips: Before listening, look through questions carefully and pay attention to the key words. As for blanks, first time listen carefully and write down the words as quickly as possible, you can use your own sighs. Second time, complete the words. 通过听来核对听到的人物,检查学生识别听力语段中单词的能力,将单词音,形,意三者相结合。带着问题听课文,可以让学生有目的的听录音,并学会综合所获的信息作答。Reading(6)ReadingExpress the dialogue.T: Now read the dialogue and underline the correct words. Read? Go!让学生自读对话,通过阅读的方式完成Activity 4。核对完答案后,借助Tony的全家福复述对话里的重要信息,完成对话到文本的转换。培养学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,用转述的形式完成语言从输入到输出的过程,让学生更加清晰地了解对话内容,并通过自己的加工,形成对话到文本的转换,用“说”的形式达到对对话处理的升华。 (三)Post-listening(5分钟)(8分钟)(7分钟)合作交流讲解1.Ask the students to read the conversation and find out the important phrases .sentences .2. Solve the language points.(1)让学生找出a.方位短语; (on the left/right; next to; in front of )(2)b.指示代词的句子;Sum up:Slink v.+ adj利用PPT展示练习Try to use them freelyMake new sentences. 1.Students read the conversation and find out the important sentences.2. The students find out the sentences and read them . listen and make notes carefully.3.Practice reading in groups.让学生自主、合作找出重难点并通过小组合作解决,加深对知识点的理解和掌握。教师讲解知识点,总结句型,有利于学生理解和把握本节重点。Listening and ReadingLet students read the dialogue1.Listen to the recordingPay attention to the pronunciation(语音) and intonation (语调) .2.Read in pairs Correct(纠正) the pronunciation and intonation with each other(彼此).纠正发音,有正确的语音语调。通过小组内朗读,互相纠正错误,培养团结合作精神.展示提升Work in groups to introduce(介绍) your family.Let your partners act as(扮演)your family.Requirements:1.运用方位短语,指示代词和名所有格。such as: on the left /right next to in front of this, that, these, those2.可运用不同的形式,像采访,对话等 3.全员参与,积极投入。问答式的小组活动让学生体会到语言的交际性和实用性。这是本课所学词汇、语音、语法、话题等的综合展现环节,是实现用语言做事情的环节。
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