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JW-A14 标准型 14 头电脑组合秤.适用范围:适合糖果、瓜子、果冻、冷冻、宠物食品、膨化食品、开心果、花生、果仁、杏仁、葡萄干等休闲食品、大壳坚果、五金件、塑料胶粒等各种颗粒状、片状、条状、圆状及不规则形状等物料的定量称重.独特性能:* 根据被计量物的特性可自由设置电机的开门角度,实现高速精确称重* 组合成目标重量的几个斗可设置为依次下料,有效解决膨松物料的堵塞问题* 具备“自动选别”、“一拖二”功能的集料处理系统可直接排除不合格产品,并直接处理 2 台包装机发出的放料信号.主要特点:* 具有数粒功能,实现您更多方面的需求* 主要部件采用不锈钢,干净卫生, 全密封式设计易于清洁* 具有超强故障自诊断能力,从而有效降低机械故障率* 强大的数据自动统计功能,记录每一批生产的总重量、总包数、合格率等指标* 高精度高速度的完美结合,通过电脑计算从丰富的重量组合中瞬时优化选出最佳组合* 采用高精度数字式称重传感器进行准确计量,中/英/韩/西/俄等多种语言液晶显示操作系统可供选择.技术参数:型号 JW-A14称重范围 100-2000g称量精度范围 0.5-5g最大称重速度 1060 Bags/Min料斗容量 2500ml驱动方式 步进电机操作界面 10.4 英寸触摸屏选构装置 花纹秤斗/集料斗/打印装置/超差选别装置/可旋转主振机电源规格 220V/1500W/5060HZ/10A包装尺寸(mm) 1700(L) 1120(W) 1100(H)包装重量(kg) 490KGJW-A14 14-HEAD COMBINATION WEIGHER. Application:It is suitable for high speed weighing of granule, slice, roll or irregular shape products such as candy, seed, jelly, fries, coffee bean, peanut, puffy food, biscuit, chocolate, nut, yogurt, pet food & frozen foods, etc. It is also suitable for weighing small metal and plastic parts. Features:*Load cell level sensor control material feeding; *No products Auto pause function can avoid material dropping out during Running;*The single linear feeder amplitude can be auto/manual adjusted will ensure the products easy-flowing with high accuracy;* Facility to maximize or minimize the operation angle to the size of the product.* Multilanguage control panel, Spanish, Korea, German, French and Arabic, etc.* High accuracy and high speed modes can be select. Specifications:Model JW-A14Max. Cap.(g) 100-2000gWeighing Accuracy(g) 0.5-5gMax. Weighing Speed 1060WPMHopper Volume 2500mlControl Panel 10.4 Touch ScreenOptions Dimple Plate/Timing Hopper/Printer/Rotary Top ConeDriving System Step MotorPower Requirements 220V / 1500W / 50/60HZ / 10APacking Dimension(mm) 1700 (L)x1120 (W)x1100 (H)Gross WGT 490KG
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