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新标准英语一年级起点第4册Module 2 Unit2 Youre reading.I. Teaching aims:1. Grasp the basic sentence patterns-Whats he/ she doing? Hes/ Shes reading. Is he/ she reading? Yes, he/she is. No, he/ she isnt.2. Use the words of this unit to make dialogues.II. Teaching emphases and difficulties1. The basic sentence patterns.2. Make new dialogues.III. Teaching Aids1. The pictures of Part One. (Each group has a group of pictures)2. The courseware.IV. Teaching steps and analysisStep 1: Before learning (Warming up)Sing the song: Im listening to the radio.T: OK, its time for our class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: Good morning, my children. Lets sing a song first. Look at the screen, please. Lets sing and do the actions together.Ss: (Sing and do the actions.)Step 2: While learning (Revision)1. 单词闯关赛T: My children, do you like games?Ss: Yes, I do.T: OK. Next lets play a game. Its name isI need two children to help me. Who would like to do? Ss: Me, me.评析:唱歌热身,适合低年级学生特点和他们的兴趣爱好。课堂伊始就给学生创造了一个展现自我的平台,使其获得成功感。同时,课前一歌为本节课营设了欢快的教学氛围,为整堂课的开展做好了铺垫。本节课的重难点是对现在进行时的学习,所以这首歌的选择也正是基于歌词中的句子都是现在进行时结构,学生在唱的过程中感知、感悟,有利于本节课的导入和开展。评析:通过动作表演的猜词游戏,是小学英语课堂上喜闻乐见的一种活动。因为,动作表演可以让学生基于对单词的理解,发挥他们的想象力,并通过表演能力展现给大家。单词闯关赛. T: OK, Mary and Sam. Sam, do the actions.Mary, guess the words)Sam and Mary: (Sam does the actions and Mary guesses the words.)T: OK, wonderful, thank you. Anyone else? (Find another two children to do the game) Next I want one of you to help me. (Find a child to go to the back of the classroom) The other children turn back,please。 Now you do the actions, and lets say the words together. Are you clear? (The child does the actions and the other children say the words.) T: Excellent, thank you. My children, turn back and look at the screen, please. Lets read together.Ss: (Read the words on the screen together) Reading a book, writing a letter, listening to the radio etc.2. 句型训练吧 (1)展开想象,句子你来猜T: Look at this picture, please. This is Xiaoqiang, Whats he doing? You have three chances.S1: Hes playing basketball.T: Maybe.S2: Hes listening to music.T: Maybe.在这个过程中,小孩子的表演欲、成就欲很容易被激发,从而带动学生积极参与整个的学习过程。通过游戏活动复习、巩固所学单词,寓教于乐,使枯燥乏味的单词复习环节充满乐趣与生机。通过游戏活动复习、巩固所学单词,寓教于乐,有效地调动了学生学习英语的积极性和参与意识。评析:本活动结合日常生活,通过真实任务-猜谜,帮助学生学习和理解语言。同时,老师通过多样的组织方式(一生表演,一生猜和一生表演,全体猜)进行了同一个游戏活动,使每个学生都有参与的机会,做到了面向全体,为整堂课开了个好头。评析:通过游戏中任务的设置,让学生积极动脑,搜寻关于动作的动词词组,并用现在进行时进行思想表达,是一种很不错的导入及练习方式。在进行了单词闯关赛以后,进入描述人物动作的环节,实现了由词到句的过渡,内容处理由易到难,层层递进。一图三猜的游戏方S3: Hes playing football.T: Maybe. Look at the screen. Hes playing football. S3, youre right. This is Meimei. Whats she doing?Sa: Shes talking.T: Maybe.Sb; Shes .(2) 模拟情景,句型大家练T: Youre so clever. Then ask and answer with your partners using these pictures on your tables.Ss ask and answer with their partners.(3) T: Stop please. My class, would you like to play a chain game?Ss: Yes, I like.T: OK, Ill give each groups 30 seconds to prepare.Ss prepare for the chain game.T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: OK. First these four groups have a competition and the others are thejudgments. OK, one, two, three! Ss play the chain game.T: Oh, Group 3 is the first one. The other four groupsare you ready?Ss: Yes.T: One, two, start!(The children of the other groups do the chain game.)式,打开了学生的思维渠道,培养了学生的发散思维,使学生对所学过的动词进行了全方位思考和应用;对现在进行时进行了“运用词组,自主建构”的过程,在此过程中,学生可能会出现各种各样的错误,“及时纠错、及时反思改正、形成准确表达”是这个环节的主要任务。这个过程也应该是“呈现易错点、教师预设精讲点拨” 的过程。在此,应该对现在进行时做一个简单的规律总结,练习巩固易错点、易混点。评析:句型操练环节包括两个部分:第一部分,两两对练。学生通过机械操练,巩固所学句型。第二部分,游戏运用。通过chain game游戏,全体学生对图片中的人物进行描述,参与情境训练,达成在模拟语境中对句型的运用。Chain game 游戏的最大特点在于它能够面向全体,让每个学生参与到应用的过程中来,并在之前积极学习、练习,才能在此达到水到渠成之功效。应该说,此游戏能促动学生积极参与学习的全过程,学生真正成了学习的主体。同时组织小组比赛,培养了学生的合作意识和竞争意识。T: Oh, this time Group 7 is the first one. (3)真实语境,句型大家用(1)T: You did a good job just now and I want to have a competition with you. Who would like to do the actions?Ss: Me, meT: OK, John please. The other children, you are the judgments, OK?T: Is he running?Ss: No, he isnt.T: Is he reading a book?Ss: No, he isnt.T: Is he eating?Ss: No, he isnt.T: Is he drinking?Ss: Yes, he is.T: Anyone else? OK, Patty, please.Patty does the actions.T: Is she dancing?Ss: No, she isnt.T: Is she singing?Ss: No, she isnt.T: Is she doing homework?Ss: Yes, she is.(2) T: My children can you ask questions just like me?Ss: Yes.T: Lets have a competition. 看看谁是咱们评析:将针对图片中人物动作的描述转移到学生的实际生活中来,实现由教材走入生活的转化,实现从模拟情境到真实语境的转化。这是一个“学以致用”在环节教学中得以体现的典例。本活动充分调动了学生的发散思维,使其在短时间内迅速搜集、处理信息并进行语言输出,这是学生实际运用英语的好机会。评析:“小问号”比赛,不仅生动有趣,而且实现了学生从回答问题的角色到提问问题的角色的质的转变,变被动为主动,提出班的“小问号”,最会提问题, 别人已经用过的词,你不能再用。Now look at the screen carefully. Now, you may ask question. S1: Is he?T: Good.S2: Is she?T: OK.T: I think Mary, Tom, George are better. (Give each student a question ma
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