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高考英语一轮复习研讨会发言材料:英语词汇教学 各位领导,各位老师,大家好:词汇是组成语言的最基本材料,犹如大厦之砖瓦,铺路之基石。“Wilkins(1972):Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.全日制义务教育、普通高级中学英语课程标准在语言知识部分就对词汇教学提出了具体目标并进行了详细描述。我们学校一直非常重视词汇教学,每一届学生都从高一坚持到高三。具体做法如下:一、重视语音教学在词汇教学中的重要性学习英语单词,首先是要能正确发音。进入高中的学生大部分虽已经较好地掌握了英语音标,但是并非所有的同学都能正确朗读每一个音标,相当一部分学生在朗读多音节单词时,往往不能把握单词重音的正确位置。因此,我们在开学时会相应讲解一些发音规律,拼写规律及语音学相关知识,帮助学生能基本做到见形读音,因音记形。在很大程度上帮助学生克服记忆单词的恐惧。二、构词法是词汇教学的得力助手英语中的很多词汇是借助构词法变化的。我们一直很重视引导学生学会用构词法知识来辨认和记忆英语单词。构词法包括合成、派生、转化等方法。学生掌握此方法就可以推测出一类词的意思。以派生为例,我们通过展示适量例句让学生认识前缀、后缀。Eg:He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother.Even friends disagree sometimes.His version of what happened is incorrect.Thats most inconvenient for me. Im working that weekend.当学生了解了dis-,in-等前缀表示“不”的意思后,再见到incomplete,disappear等就可以猜到这些词的含义;了解了后缀-less加在名词后可以变成词义相反的形容词,就不难猜到careless,hopeless,homeless等词的含义。另外,学生还可能会碰到含多重词缀、较为复杂的词汇,例如:independence,unfortunately等,通过让学生了解了构词方法并学会分析,就能做到举一反三,对学生扩大词汇量有了很大帮助,而且使学生记忆单词更便捷、更牢固。更重要的是帮助学生树立了信心。为此,我们老师自己编写了一些短文,帮助学生学习。例如学习convenient时:我们编写了如下范文My uncles house was not very convenient for supermarkets. So it was inconvenient for him to do some shopping. For convenience, he bought a car last year. But soon he found a bicycle was often more convenient than a car in town. Now he has another house downtown, which is conveniently situated close to shops and my house. So at his convenience, he often buys some gifts for me. 通过本篇短文,学生可以很容易的掌握convenient, conveniently, inconvenient, convenience及其搭配用法。三.结合语境进行词汇教学吕叔湘先生曾说过“词语要嵌在上下文里才有生命。”英语词汇很多是多义词和多类词,因此,在处理重点词汇时,我们总是千方百计地把词汇与句子、语境结合起来,在平时就训练学生根据上下文情景猜测词义并运用所学词汇的能力。例如我们用以下短文总结了attach的用法:At one time, I was attached to my mother, so I always attached myself to her at any time, even when she had to work, which made her bored. Later, I had to go to a school which was attached to a teachers college, where I attached great importance to dependence and I knew great risks attached to my former behaviour. Now I am outgoing and have graduated from university. Yesterday I filled an application form which required me to attach my recent photograph to it. 这篇短文把attach这一词汇的用法全部概括其中,锻炼了学生猜测词义和概括词汇用法的能力。四给出典型示例,让学生归纳词汇用法进行词汇教学1. 词汇辨析归纳法例如:在学习以-ing和-ed形式结尾的形容词的时候,我们给出这样的例句:(1) Hisspeechwasboring.(2) Wefeltboredwiththeboring speech.(3) It is an amazing discovery so that we are amazed at it.通过观察和比较,学生总结出以-ing形式结尾的形容词作表语时强调表示主语所具有的特征。而以-ed结尾的形容词作表语时强调主语的感受或所处的状态。可以概括为:以-ing形式结尾的形容词都表达“令人的”,而以-ed形式结尾的形容词则表达“感到的”含义。再配以针对性的练习,学生很容易掌握这类词汇的用法。2. 短语积累归纳法有时,一个单词与不同单词搭配会有不同意思,我们通过展示精彩例句让学生翻译,归纳总结,加深了学生的记忆。如:1).Were going to get together with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us?2).It was not a serious illness,and she soon got over it.3). If we can get over our present difficulties, then everything should be all right. 4).The final examination is coming up soon. Its time for us to get down to our studies.5).We have to get in the wheat as soon as possible because a storm in on the way.6). Its going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me get in the clothes on the line.7). I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we get along fine.8). I tried phoning Maggies office in the morning, but I couldnt get through.9). Hardly could he get through this amount of work in such a short time.这些以高考单选题展示的例句能让学生重视积累常用短语的用法。(跟踪训练略)3. 一词多意或熟词生意归纳法 引导学生通过观察、比较和翻译等归纳词汇或短语的不同用法。以pick up 这一短语为例:1) She went over to the crying child and picked her up.2) Will you pick up all your toys?3) We managed to pick up a few bargains at the auction(拍卖场).4) She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.5) We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.6) The bus picks up passengers outside the airport.7) Trade usually picks up in the spring.8) Lets pick up where we left off(停下) yesterday.这些例句鲜明地告诉学生同一个短语或单词在不同句中表达的意思可能会完全不同,引导培养学生注重句子翻译。(跟踪训练略)4. 同意转述归纳法英语语言相当丰富,同一意思会有多种不同表达,以避免语言表述上的单调重复。我们在教学中进行了大量这样的训练。如以下例句皆表达了同一意思。1). He has decided to leave school to make money to support his family.2. He has made a decision to leave school to make money to support his family.3). He has determined to leave school to make money to support his family.4). He has been determined to leave school to make money to support his family.3). He has made a determination to leave school to make money to support his family.3). He has made up his mind to leave school to make money to support his family.3). He has set his mind to leave school to make money to support his family.这一训练对学生的阅读理解能力的提升帮助很大。在阅读理解中,出题者设计试题时总会用不同的语言结构对文本中的某些信息进行同意转述。如以下题目:原句:Many of the best wildlife photos come from good planning.题目:How can photographers take good photos?A. By making good preparation.原句:He(Jay) took a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground.题目:The next day, Jay put a piece of paper on the ground.(B)原句:His buildings we
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