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XX年中考英语备考:模拟试题及答案(2)|中考英语知识点总结中考网权威发布20XX年中考英语备考:模拟试题及答案,更多20XX年中考英语备考相关信息请访问中考网。. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. The field is too s_ to grow vegetables.2. Be careful, the door is very l_.3. There are many new books in the b_.4. Do you say g_ to your parents when you leave home?5. Its safe to c_ the street when the traffic light is green. 单项选择1. My father was _ a newspaper when I came back.A. looking out B. looking throughC. looking like D. looking after2. Tom is in the next room, _?A. is heB. isnt itC. isnt heD. does he3. Sorry, I can t give you the present. I have _ it at the hotel.A. forgottenB. lostC. takenD. left4. You have never lost books before, _?A. dont you B. havent youC. do you D. have you5. Do you think it will rain tomorrow? _ . It hasnt rained for a long time. The weather is too hot.A. I hope not B. Im afraid soC. I hope so D. I think not. 完成句子1. 今天很热,是吗?Its very hot, _ _?2. 中午前你能回来么?Can you come back _ _?3. 学生们正在排队等候买饭。The students are waiting _ _ to buy food.4. 这些衣服价格很低廉。These clothes are at _ _.5. 很多人在等着横过马路。Many people are waiting _ _ the road. 补全对话,每空一词A:Its fine today, 1it?B: Yes, it is. We have beautiful sunshine every day.A: By the way, are you 2Paris?B: No, Im not. I come from London. Im on a visit to this city.A: 3is the weather in the fall in your city?B: Sorry, will you please say that again?A: Whats the weather like in the fall in your city?B: Well, Im 4. I dont follow you. What do you mean by “in the fall”?A: I mean“in autumn”.B: Oh, I see. Its cloudy 5cool.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _. 完形填空In most English-speaking countries, it is common and necessary to make “small talk” in some situations.There are some“1”topics that people usually make small talk 2. The weather is probably the number one thing that people discuss if they do not know each other well. Sometimes even friends and family members will do the same when they 3or start a conversation.Sports news and amusement news are 4common topics. If there is something that you and the other speaker have 5, that may also be a good topic to talk about. For example, if the bus is very crowded and there are no 6to sit on, you might talk about the reasons. People in an office might casually discuss the new paint or furniture.There are also 7topics that shouldnt be discussed. Personal 8such as salariesis not done between people who do not know each other well. 9on clothing or hair is OK. However, you should never say 10about a persons body.Also, it is not safe to discusss religion or politics. Lastly, it is not clever to keep talking about a topic that the other person is not interested in.1. A. boring B. personal C. important D. safe2. A. about B. on C. to D. for3. A. leave B. meet C. miss D. argue4. A. all B. neither C. both D. either5. A. in style B. in common C. in future D. in need6. A. room B. space C. people D. seats7. A. few B. little C. some D. any8. A. information B. behavior C. decision D. advantage9. A. Complaining B. Criticizing C. Collecting D. Commenting10. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing答案解析. 答案:1. sandy2. low3. bookstore4. goodbye5. cross. 答案:15. BCDDC. 答案:1. isnt it2. by/before noon3. in line4. low prices5. to cross. 答案:1. isnt2. from3. How4. sorry5. and. 答案:15. DABCB610. DCADB
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