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常州市4年中考英语试题一、 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. It was really helpful him to take the cat to the animal centre a rainy night.A. of; onB. of; atC. for; onD. for; at2. Why is honest leader like him supported by few workers?A. an; soB. an; suchC. a; soD. a; such3. Where shall I go for the summer holiday?How about Xiamen? It is a city worth on a bike.A. looking for B. looking atC. looking forward toD. looking around4. The Yellow River flood large areas, but now the waters of it are used to energy.A. was used to; producingB. used to; producingC. was used to; produceD. used to; produce5. The apple pies here taste than those from anywhere else.Yes. But it will be better if they are .A. more delicious; more expensiveB. less delicious; more expensiveC. more delicious; less expensiveD. less delicious; less expensive6. When will the railway that connects the two cities open? next year. Only two thirds been built.A. Until; hasB. Until; haveC. Not until; hasD. Not until; have7. How nice that Lucy has been invited to the party too!Well, Lucy not come. She is not certain whether her mother will allow her to.A. mightB. wouldC. mustD. need8. We should tell the truth. We cant say one thing to one person and thing to someone else.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. one more9. Its reported that there will be a snowstorm this Sunday. Were planning to go on a picnic that day.A. I hope soB. I hope notC. Im afraid soD. Im afraid not10. Hi, Jim. I hear that youve just come back from Sanya. Im calling to ask .A. how did you visit the cityB. how many days youve spent thereC. which hotel you stayed in SanyaD. how you found the seafood there二、 完形填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My earliest memories of writing are only school homework, nothing of any creativity. All that 11 one day, when Mrs Kumar asked us to write “An autobiography(自传) of a pencil”.For me, it was just another piece of homework, 12 Mrs Kumar reacted(表现) very differently. Maybe she was just being 13, or maybe she really liked the work. Whatever her 14, she read it out to the class as an example of “fine writing”.A few years later, I went back to my old school. I was walking through the 15 corridors(走廊) when I passed by Mrs Kumar, who was still teaching her class. She looked up as I passed and I 16, not wanting to disturb her.Seeing me, she went out and invited me into her class. “This girl is one of the best 17 this school has seen,” she said. “She wrote a wonderful autobiography of a pencil. I hope some of you can learn to write like her.”Even after all these years, I can still clearly remember that moment. My face shines with 18 whenever I tell someone this experience. I am sure I was not the only student whose school homework Mrs Kumar 19. It is likely that she made an effort to make each one of us feel 20. However, I had never had anybody praise(表扬) my writing before that. It encouraged me to do better to prove to her that “Look! Your 21 in me has worked. I am good, because you believe I am.”Today, I am a successful writer. Thanks to Mrs Kumar, my 22 are not only a tool(工具) to use. They are also a symbol of little beginnings and the power of a teachers encouragement.11. A. startedB. repeatedC. changedD. appeared12. A. andB. thoughC. soD. but13. A. kindB. excitedC. satisfiedD. generous14. A. reasonsB. causesC. effortsD. wishes15. A. strangeB. endlessC. crowdedD. familiar16. A. whisperedB. clappedC. wavedD. cheered17. A. inventorsB. writersC. winnersD. visitors18. A. courageB. honesty C. prideD. modesty19. A. rememberedB. checkedC. includedD. marked20. A. protectedB. specialC. lovedD. necessary21. A. understandingB. confidenceC. recommendationD. congratulation22. A. visitsB. writingsC. memoriesD. pencils三、 阅读理解(共13小题;每小题2分,满分26分)=1阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHarry is a boy with a learning disability. On his fourth birthday, he was given a pug called Millie. Two weeks after the dogs arrival, he was happier and calmer and said his first words, “dog” and “mummy”.Just two months later, thieves stole the dog, and now the heartbroken little boy is back to where he started. He has refused to talk since losing his best friend. His mother was worried and gave him another dog, but he just “pushed it away”.Mrs Hainsworth, his mother, says, “My son is very sad. Hell go over to her cage and just beat(敲打) on the bars. There is no word coming out, but you just know hes screaming Where is Millie inside. Millie was really his best friend. They would play together happily for hours. None of his toys has ever held his attention that long. Now he has just completely turned quiet again.”Harry suffers from a condition which affects his ability to speak and move. But the dogs being with him achieved more in days than months of speech therapy and physiotherapy had.Mrs Hainsworth says, “My son was s
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