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试卷第 1 页,总 7 页 山西省太原市2019-2020 学年七年级上学期期末英语试题 注意事项: 1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第 I 卷(选择题 ) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 评卷人得分 一、单选题 1Were in a school with kind teachers and classmates. We love _ school very much. Atheir Byour C our 2 Oh, the books are on sale on November 11. Yes. We can buy many books _ very good prices on that day. Aat Bwith C on 3The 5G network( 网络 ) is _! We can go on the Internet in a short time. Aboring Bdifficult C cool 4We are very proud(自豪的 ) _ China is becoming stronger and stronger. Aor Bbecause C so 5The sweater is too small for me. I want a(an) _ one. Abig Bold C right 6There is a basketball game next week. I _ a pair of new sports shoes. Alook Bneed C sell 7 _ is your little sister? She is only six months old. AHow much BWhat color C How old 8Lang Ping is a _ coach. She leads the Chinese womens volleyball to world championship. Avolleyball Bfootball C ping-pong 9Moms birthday is coming. Lets _what to buy for her. Athink about Blook at C thank for 10 Have a good time at the party. 试卷第 2 页,总 7 页 _. ASee you BThank you C Its relaxing 评卷人得分 二、完型填空 Do you know Kevin? He is a soccer 11 in our school. He comes from England and he teaches soccer in our school soccer team. He 12 Taiyuan is a good place. He likes the food here. And he likes the nice people here, too. 13 does he go every day? Lets have a look. In the morning, he plays sports in the gym( 体育馆 ). Then he plays with his students on the playground. He always 14 his work at 6: 00 p. m. After that, he eats 15 at the dinning hall. Kevin is 16 , so everyone in the school likes him. They also call 17 us. These things are from England and they are so interesting. And he 18 some things for his son. Kevin says he likes fun 19 interesting life in Taiyuan. He believes many soccer stars may( 可能 ) come from Taiyuan one day. 11Ateacher Bstudent C classmate 12A watches Bmeets C thinks 13A How BWhere C When 14A plays Bcomes C finishes 15A breakfast Blunch C dinner 16A free Bfun C long 17A him Bher C it 18A under Bto C in 19A asks Bcalls C buys 20A but Band C so 评卷人得分 三、阅读单选 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号 填入题前的括号内。 The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is also known as Chinese New Year. It usually comes in late January or early February. People like the Spring Festival not because of the new clothes or nice food. It is the family reunion( 团聚 ) time after one years 试卷第 3 页,总 7 页 hard work. People do different things during the festival. Now lets see what the three students say about the Spring Festival. Amy: It is my favorite festival. Im from Guangdong. I get oranges when I say Happy new year! to my grandparents. We watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. On the fourth day, my family usually get some water and wish a good new year. It is so fun. Tom: Im 12. I come from Shanxi. Before the festival, we clean our house at home. At the night before the Spring Festival, our family always have a big dinner. I eat noodles and dumplings on the Spring Festival. And I get lucky money(压岁钱 ) when I say Happy new year! to my grandparents. This year, my mom buys a pair of red socks for me. She says its for good luck. Im so happy. Lucy: I am 12 years old, too. Im from Jiangsu. My family buy red new clothes before the Spring Festival. On the Spring Festival, we go to temples( 寺庙 ) for good luck. We eat tangyuan on the Spring Festival. It is delicious. I like the Spring Festival very much. 21Chinese people like the Spring Festival because _ according to the passage. Athey can eat nice food Bthey can wear new clothes C they can be with our family 22Amy gets _ when she says Happy new year! to her grandparents. Aoranges Blucky money Ca pair of red socks 23People _ in Shanxi on the Spring Festival according to the article. Aget some water Bgo to temples C eat noodles and dumplings 24People in _ usually eat tangyuan on the Spring Festival. AGuangdong BJiangsu C Shanxi 25Which is TRUE according to the article? AAll the Chinese people do the same thing on the Spring Festival. BBoth Lucy and Tom think that the Spring Festival is busy and boring. CPeople in different places have different customs(习俗) on the Spring Festival. 第 II 卷(非选择题 ) 请点击修改第II 卷的文字说明 评卷人得分四、信息匹配 试卷第 4 页,总 7 页 请阅读下面5 个文段将它们与五幅图片匹配。并将代表答案的字母标号写在相应的横线 上。 26 AIt is an old sport in the world. People play it with their feet in a team. There are two teams in a game. There are two teams in a game. There are 11 people in each team. The ball is always black and white. 27 B It is the national ball (国球)in China. Two or four people can play it. Each one has a bat in his hand. There is a net(网)in his hand. There is a net(网) in the middle of the court. It sounds like “ ping-pong” when people play it. 28 C It comes from America. People play it with their hands. But you cant run with balls in your hands. There are 2 teams wit
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