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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。英语商务合同范本商务合同是指有关各方之间在进行某种商务合作时,为了确定各自的权利和义务,而正式依法订立的、并且经过公证的、必须共同遵守的协议条文。商务合同是一种通用合同。在国际贸易中,若双方对合同货物无特殊要求的条件下,一般都采用商业合同的内容和形式。英语商务合同范本Between_whose registered office is at_(hereinafter called “the Principal”) and_其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为“委托人” 与whose registered office at_(hereinafter called “the Agent”) IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS其注册登记营业处设在 (以下简称为代理人)就以下达成协议:Art. 1 Territory and Products第一条地区与产品1.1. The Principal appoints the Agent, who accepts, as his commercial agent to promote the sale of the products listed in Annex 1, 1 (hereinafter called “the Products”) in the territory defined in Annex 1, 2 (hereinafter called “the Territory”).委托人委任代理人,而代理人接受委托作为委托人的商事代理,在附件12中规定的地区(以下简称为“地区”),推销附件11所列举的产品( 以下简称“产品”)。1.2. If the Principal decides to sell any other products in the Territory, he shall inform the Agent in order to discuss the possibility of including them within the Products defined under article 1.1. However, the above obligation to inform the Agent does not apply if, in consideration of the characteristics of the new products and the specialization of the Agent, it is unreasonable to expect that such products may be represented by the Agent (e.g. products of a completely different range).如果委托人决定在“地区”内销售任何其它产品,委托人应通知代理人以便讨论是否可能将这些产品包括在1.1所规定的“产品”之中。但是如果考虑到新产品的性能以及代理人的专长,而期望将这类产品交由该代理人代理是不合理的(例如完全不同类别的产品),上述通知代理人的义务就不适用。Art. 2 Good faith and fair dealing第二条诚信与公平2.1. In carrying out their obligations under this agreement the parties will act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing.为履行本协议所规定的义务,当事人将依照诚信与公平的原则进行活动。2.2. The provisions of this agreement, as well as any statements made by the parties in connection with this agency relationship, shall be interpreted in good faith.本协议的条款以及当事人就本代理关系所作的声明,都应该以诚信的原则进行解释。Art. 3 Agents functions第三条代理人的职责3.1. The Agent agrees to use his best endeavours to promote the sale of the Products in the Territory in accordance with the Principals reasonable instructions and shall protect the Principals interests with the diligence of a responsible businessman.代理人同意遵照委托人合理的指示,尽最大努力在“地区”内促进“产品”的销售,并应以负责任的商人的勤勉和努力,保护委托人的利益。3.2. The Agent shall not solicit orders from outside the Territory unless permitted to do so by the Principal. Where the Agent negotiates with customers in the Territory business which results in contracts of sale with customers established outside the Territory, article 15.2. shall apply. E.g. for goods to be sold to subsidiary established in another country: the agent is acting within his territory, hat the sale is made to a foreign customer, and the agent would have (in absence of article 15.2) no right to commission.非经委托人同意,代理人不得经“地区”之外的地方征求定货。如果代理人与该“地区”内的顾客洽谈商务导致与设立在本“地区”之外的顾客签订销 售合同,应适用第15.2节的规定。3.3. Unless otherwise specifically agreed, the Agent has no authority to make contracts on behalf of, or in any way to bind the Principal towards third parties. He only solicits orders from customers for the Principal, who is free (save as set forth in article 4.2. hereafter) to accept or to reject them. The other alternative, i.e. to give the agent the authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the principal has not been considered in the model form, since it is rather uncommon in international trade. Of course, if the parties have special reasons for permitting the agent to make contracts on behalf of the principal, they can so provide in article 3.3. It should be noted that in certain cases the third party (customer) may rely on the apparent authority of the agent this means that, especially in legal systems where it is common that the agent is authorized to act on behave of the principal, the exclusion of any such authority provided for in the contract between principaland agent (like art. 3.3. of this model form) does not necessarily bind a third party which had good reasons to rely on the apparent authority of the agent. It is, therefore, recommended that the principal avoids any action which may give third parties the impression that the agent has representative powers, and that he informs, if necessary and possible, third parties that the agent has no authority to bind the principal.除非另有专门的协议,代理人无权代表委托人签约,也无权在签约中用任何方法使委托人受第三人之约束。代理人仅能为委托人经顾客处招揽定货,而委托人(除以下第4.2节的规定外)有接受或拒绝定货的自由。3.4. When negotiating with customers, the Agent shall offer Products strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract of sale which the Principal has communicated to him. This is to ensure that orders by the customers conform to the Principals terms and conditions (e.g. prices, delivery terms, etc.): if this is not the case (because the agent has given incorrect information to the prospective customer) the principal will be in an embarrassing situation (at least from the commercial point of view) if the refuses the order.代理人在与顾客洽商业务时,应严格按照委托人向其交代的销售合同的条款和条件对“产品”进行报价。3.5. The
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