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中国组织工程研究与临床康复豸 73孝 29 20090716出版 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research July 16,2009 Vo113,No29 炙 天Basic Ex _mem Application of chitosangold nanoparticIes hybrid fiIm biosensor in glucose measurement wu Guoquanl-Li Zhongyan Abstract BACKGR0UND:At presentsyndromes happening frequency of diabetes mellitus can be controlled through regulating glucose concentration in bloodTherefore,a fast,steadyaccurate glucose biosensor has been an intense area of foCUS for investigators 0BJECTIVE:To observe the effect of chitosangold nanOOarticIes hybrid fm on electrochemicaI glucose biosensor DESIGNTIME AND SETTING:The observation experiment was performed at the Department of Medicine LaboratoryGeneraI Hospita1Guangzhou Military Command of Chinese PLA frOm February to April 2009 MATERlALS:Based on the immobilization of glucose oxidase(GOD)with crosslinking in the matrix of chitosan on an Au electrode by gIutaraIdehyde,a novel glucose biosensor was constructed with gold nanoparticles by electrodeposition METHODS:The properties of CHITAuNPs hybrid Im modified electrode were characterized by cyctic voltammetry(CV1 in 20 mmolL K3Fe rCN)60 1 molL KCI system by using the threeelectrode system and the response to glucose was investigated by linear scan voltammetry(LSV)The optimal experiment conditions,stability and reproducibility about the glucose biosensor were also studied MAIN OUTC0ME MEASURES:The cyclic voltammetry properties of different modified electrode,as well as relation between glucose concentration and response current RESULTS:Glucose concentration showed a linear correlation with response current in range of 0 001 6 mmolL The biosensor exhibited excellent performances of producibility,stability and the ignorance interferences of reducing substances with the detection limited of 26 56 pmolL and fast response time(within 2 s) C0NCLUSION:The glucose biosensor possesses excellent reproducibility and stability with a fast response time to glucose, which can be used in detection of glucose cOncentratiOn in human serum lNTRODUCTION Scientific researchers had focused on nanomaterials due to thei r unique electronic optical。and catalysis properties 1j GoIdnanoparticles(AuNPs)was very popular because of its relatively Iow reactive and more electr0neqative than other metallic nanOparticles CHITa biopolymerwhich had an excellent fmfOrming ability,high water permeability,good adhesion and susceptibiIity to chemical modification due to the presence of reactive amino and hydroxyl functional g roupsIt was a convenient polymeric scaffold for enzyme immobzation reIied on the reaction between the free aldehyde g roups of the gluta ric dialdehyde and amino groups of enzymes to f0rm Schiff bases I We had witnessed tremendous progress in the development of electrochemical glucose biosensor howeverthere were sta matter of concerns because of thei r reprOducib1itV and stabiIityThus, the key jdea of the paper js to construef a nove J gIucose biosensor based on CHIT,AuNPs hybrid fiIm in order to develop a novef enzyme immobzation matrix for meeting the demand of lhe e仟ective immobiIization GOD on the electrode surfaceIn this workwith the CHITAuNPs hybrid films as the immobilization matrix,and the GOD was immobilized on the electrode surface by glutarak1ehyde crossing-linkThe glucose biosensor had good performanoes in the determination of glucose,with fast response time, |sSN 1 6738225 CN 21-1 539,R cODEN:zLKHAH wide linear,good selectivity,stability,and reprOducibility MATERlALS AND METHODS Design Observation experiment Time and setting The experiment was performed at the Department of Medicine Laboratory,Guangzhou General Hospital, Guangzhou Military Command of Chinese PLA frOm February to April 2009 Materials nstrument and reagent Source CHI 802 electrochemica workstation 0 3 and 0 5 pm alpha alumina powder UItrasonic clear machine Chitosan HAuCI44H2O Glucose Glucose oxidase (G 7141 10 000 U) Glutaraldehyde lce acetic acid Chenhua lnstruments Mingzhu Instruments Guangzhou Weijia Chemical Reagent Co,Ltd Guoyao Jituan ChemicaI Reagent Co Ltd Tianjin Fuchen ChemicaI ReagentCo,Ltd Sigma ofAmerica Tianjin damao Chemica ReagentCo,Ltd Guangzhou panyu liqiang Chemical Plant 。College of Light Industry and Food Science,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 51 0640,Guengdong Province,Chino; Department of Medicine Laboratory, Guangzhou Generaf Hospital,Guangzhou Military Command of Chinese PLA Guangzhou 510010,Guangdong ProvinceChina Wu Guoquon Studying for masters degree,College of Light Industand Food Science,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640Guangdong Province,China; Department of Medicine Laboratory, Guengzhou General Hospital,Guangzhou Military Command of Chinese PLA Guangzhou 510010,Guangdong Province China wuguoquan2007 126 com Correspondence to: Li Zhong-yan, Associate professor, Mas【e r,S supenisor, College of Light Indus
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