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最新小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 Module9 模块知识梳理卷班级_姓名_得分_ 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译) (10 分)1. 了不起的, 出色的_3. wish_2. 多么_4. primary_6. keep_8. joy_5. message_7. forever_9. future_10. happiness_二、 核心短语(英汉互译)(13 分)1. 最美好的祝福_2. 小学_3. 写留言_4. 永远保存它_5. good luck_6. say goodbye to sb. _7. help sb. in sth. _8. have a happy time_9. teach sb. sth. _10. watch football games_11. write goodbye letters_12. the name of a friend_13. write an email _三、 重点句子(汉译英) (12 分)1. 最美好的祝愿送给你!_2. 不久我们就要和我们的小学说再见了。We are going to _ goodbye _ our _ _ soon.3. 请在这本书上留言。 第1页 Please _ a _ _ this _.4. 你在体育方面帮助了我。You helped _ _ sport.5. 祝你每天都快乐。_ you _ every day.6. 多么多的美好祝福啊!_四、核心语言点(5 分)本模块通过朋友间的毕业留言来学习如何用英语表达美好的祝福, 以及如何写毕业留言。请根据句意和字母提示补全单词, 完善信息。1.Best wto you!2.Good luck for the f3.I will k!it forever.4.Wyou hevery day.毕业留言模块强化检测五、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(10 分)1. Wa beautiful school!student.2. You are a w3. Best wto you!4. Wyou happiness every day!in my book.5. Please write a m六、选出下列句子中画线部分的近义词或近义词组。(10 分)() 1. You are a great friend.A. beautifulB. badC. wonderfulC. look) 2. He will not forget us.A. missB. remember 第2页 () 3. He brought us lots of joy.A. a lot ofB. someC. never) 4. We enjoyed our time together.A. like our timeB. play with timeC. had a happy time() 5. We are going to say goodbye to them.A. will B. do七、单项选择。(10 分)C. wont() 1. Good luck _ the future!A. toB. atC. for) 2. He is a naughty _ lovely boy.A. andB. butC. so) 3. He is my friend _ the UK.A. withB. fromC. at) 4. This letter is _ Ms. Smart.A. atB. toC. for) 5. Ill keep it _.A. everB. foreverC. neverC. moreC. wroteC. the firstC. on) 6. Four years ago, they spoke only very _ Chinese.A. many B. little) 7. Please _ a message in my book.A. writingB. write) 8. My cousin went to Beijing for _ time.A. the one) 9. The baby was born _ September.A. at B. in) 10. They plan _ a football game on TV.A. watch B. to look atB. firstC. to watch 第3页 八、连词成句。(10 分)1. happy a we had time school at (. )_2. best give my you will I wishes to (. )_3. is friends he goodbye writing to letters his (. )_4. come football China to watch with and the games us (. )_5. lot what a good of wishes (!)_九、给下列句子选择合适的答语。(10 分)() 1. Best wishes to you!) 2. Ill miss you.) 3. How many letters are there?) 4. What are you doing?) 5. What did Mary write?A. There are about forty letters.B. She wrote the name of a friend.C. Thank you!D. Im watching TV with my family.E. Ill miss you too.十、阅读短文, 回答问题。(10 分)Its May 10th today. Its my birthday. I get a lot of presents from my friends andmy family. They are all in nice boxes. My father gives me a yellow box and there is abook in it. My mother says, “Its our present for you. There are a lot of stories in it.You can read them and theyre good for you.” My sister gives me a round box. I thinkthere is a big cake in it, but there is a basketball. My brother gives me a big red box. Iopen the box and see another box. This one is blue. In this box, I find a little white 第4页 envelope(信封). There is a piece of paper in it. It says, “Go to your bedroom. You cansee three boxes there: a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday presentis i
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