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护理专业英语(二)试题(本试题页不上交)注意事项:1.答卷可采取打印或手写方式在A4打印纸上完成。如果手写,必须字迹工整,以便老师批阅;6月6日:00之前交学习中心;3.下载标准答卷模版。一、单选题:请选出一个最恰当的答案。(132题,每小题1分,332题,每小题2分,共52分)1We didnt want to get in trouble, _ we parked in the lot around the corner. A. so B. but C. because D. although2. Are you and Richard in the same apartment building No, we _. A. isnt B. werent C. are D. arent3My brother is studying hard to be _. A. writer B. write C. a writer D. writes4If you _ faster, we could have turned in the project before the deadline. A. work B. had worked C. have worked D. working5She has computer class _ noon. A. with B. at C. on D. in6My family and I _ through the desert on our last vacation. A. drive B. drives C. driving D. drove7_ time do you spend on your homework every day A. How much B. How well C. How often D. How long8What programs _ He mostly uses Microsoft Word and Excel. A. is he using B. does he use C. he used D. he use9Since they changed jobs, their life _ been much easier. A. are B. was C. has D. had10Is that Martins new car Yes, its _. A. him B. himself C. his D. he11What television shows did you watch when you were a child I _ watch comedies. A. was B. liked C. used to D. did12My _ usually goes to the office on foot. A. best friend B. best friends C. best friend she D. best friend is13If we _ some more money, we could go away this weekend. A. are having B. have C. had D. would have14We went to the doctor _ she couldnt seem to get rid of her cold. A. so B. for C. that D. because15The secretary asked me _ I wanted to meet with. A. who B. how C. why D. when16If you feel full, dont _ any more of that pizza. A. ate B. eating C. eat D. eats17I forgot my keys on the desk. _ giving me a lift home A. Could you B. Can you C. Will you D. Would you mind18My classmates and I enjoy doing similar things. _ favorite activity is going cycling. A. Our B. We C. Us D. They19Amy lives in Thailand now. She _ at a large university there. A. teach B. taught C. is teaching D. teaching20She always gets good evaluations. She must be _ employee in the company. A. the most valuable B. more valuable C. the valuable D. valuable21Has he ever _ to swim A. learned B. learn C. learning D. learns22When I last saw them, my sisters were on their way _ the mall. A. on B. in C. at D. to23I want to send the Smiths an email. Do you have _ email address A. they B. them C. their D. there24The movie was over before we had time _ the plot. A. for understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understand25_ was a big parade in front of the university campus. A. Their B. They C. These D. There26My teacher was living in Dubai when she _ her future husband. A. will meet B. met C. was meeting D. meets27Before _ a decision on what to order, John asked the waiter for his recommendation. A. make B. made C. making D. being made28There isnt _ milk left. I need to go out and get some. A. many B. some C. no D. any29If you dont slow down, you _ have a heart attack. A. would B. will C. can D. should30The project was _ complicated than they had expected. A. so B. most C. more D. too31My father is a surgeon. _ works in a hospital. A. It B. Father C. He D. She32If you _ eating so much junk food, youll lose weight. A. stopped B. stop C. might stop D. are stopping33. A 65-year-old male is admitted to your unit. He says, “My wife and I have not been apart for 45 years”. Your best response would beA. “It must be difficult for you to be separated from her.”B. “Your wife will be able to visit you every day.”C. “Youll be fine once you get adjusted to the hospital routine.”D. “Your time in the hospital will pass very quickly.”34. A client recently diagnosed with lung cancer says to the nurse, “Im still going to smoke”. The nurses best response to this client would beA. “I cant believe you would still want to smoke.”B. “When did you start smoking”C. “Lets talk more about this.” D. “Im sure your family will be upset.”35. A client brought to the emergency department appears very anxious and tearful. The nurses best response would beA. “Im sure you have been in the hospital before.”B. “There is really nothing to worry about.”C. “I know this is frightening for you.” D. “The hospital really isnt so bad.”36. A newborn died from an intr
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