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1-1,Operations Management运营管理,云南大学商旅学院 吴奇志,1-2,Please Contact Cell Phone:0871-6770167 Email : ,1-3,Announcement Please notify me in advance if you are absent or late, taking a French leave is not allowed. According to the rules made by MBA office, those who are absent one third or above from the total classes will be barred from the final exam, no matter what grade you get in the other 2!,1-4,If you have any comments, please feel free to let me know, either by email, phone call or face-to-face talk, Id prefer the latter for its high efficiency. Your suggestions are welcomed so I am open to them all the time. Besides, Id like you to treat me not only like a teacher, but a friend as well. Thanks for the POM course, for it serves as a bridge between us.,1-5,Performance Appraisal Participation died 1825 In 1798, received government contract to make 10,000 muskets Showed that machine tools could make standardized parts to exact specifications Musket parts could be used in any musket, 1995 Corel Corp.,1-52,Frederick W. Taylor,Born 1856; died 1915 Known as father of scientific management In 1881, as chief engineer for Midvale Steel, studied how tasks were done Began first motion Lillian (1878-1972) Husband-and-wife engineering team Further developed work measurement methods Applied efficiency methods to their home died 1947 In 1903, created Ford Motor Company In 1913, first used moving assembly line to make Model T Unfinished product moved by conveyor past work station Paid workers very well for 1911 ($5/day!) Model T produced in1908 with 514 min. $850 each by hand to 1.19 min. $290 each in 1926 by moving assembly line .,Henry Ford,Make them all alike!, 1995 Corel Corp.,Any color as long as its black,1-56,W. Edwards Deming,Born 1900; died 1993 Engineer & physicist Credited with teaching Japan quality control methods in post-WW2 Used statistics to analyze process His methods involve workers in decisions,1-57,Contributions From,Human factors Industrial engineering Management science Biological science Physical sciences Information science,1-58,Significant Events in OM,Division of labor (Smith, 1776) Standardized parts (Whitney, 1800) Scientific management (Taylor, 1881) Coordinated assembly line (Ford 1913) Gantt charts (Gantt, 1916) Motion study (the Gilbreths, 1922) Quality control (Shewhart, 1924),1-59,Significant Events - Continued,CPM/PERT (Dupont, 1957) MRP (Orlicky, 1960) CAD Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Manufacturing automation protocol (MAP) Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM),Unlike other fields of science, POM witnesses significant changes in every 10 years.,1-60,Operations in the Service Sector,1-61,Service EconomiesProportion of Employment in the Service Sector,1-62,Service Is a Major Job Provider in The United State,1-63,Jobs in the U.S,1-64,Organizations in Each Sector,(Operations Management by Jay Heizer, Barry Render, 7e),1-65,Organizations in Each Sector,1-66,Organizations in Each Sector,1-67,Organizations in Each Sector Summary,1-68,Development of the Service Economy,1-69,Characteristics of Goods,Tangible product Consistent product definition Production usually separate from consumption Can be inventoried Low customer interaction, 1995 Corel Corp.,1-70,Characteristics of Service,Intangible product Produced & consumed at same time Often unique High customer interaction Inconsistent product definition Often knowledge-based Frequently dispersed, 1995 Corel Corp.,1-71,Goods Versus Services,Can be resold Can be inventoried Some aspects of quality measurable Selling is distinct from production,Reselling unusual Difficult to inventory Quality difficult to measure Selling is part of service,Goods Service,1-72,Goods Versus Services - Continued,Product is transportable Site of facility important for cost Often easy to automate Revenue generated primarily from tangible product,Provider, not product is transportable Site of facility important for customer contact Often difficult to automate Revenue generated primarily from intangible service.,Goods Service,1-73,Key Differences,These differences are beginning to fade,in many cases,1-74,Goods Contain Services / Services Contain Goods,Automobile,Computer,Installed Carpeting,Fast-food Meal,Restaurant Meal,Auto Repair,Hospital Care,Advertising Agency,Investment Management,Consulting Service,Counseling,Percent of Product that is a Good,Percent of Product that is a Service,1-75,Goods-service continuum,1-76,Changing Challenges for the Operations Manager,1-77,Changing Challenges for the Operations Manager,1-78,Situation That Operations Face Nowadays,Globalization Environmental Issues Green manufacturing Time-based competition Time and motion study aiming to shorten processing time Improving flexibility by reducing the setup time Cutting R&D time by introducing concurrent engineering(CE) Zero time by Agile Management and SCM,1-79,New trends in Operations Management,Emphasis on POM which is a gateway to corporate strate
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