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Unit 6 Lesson 35 Future Transportation教案Teaching Content1. Mastery words and expressions: smooth, second, space, sound.2. Oral words and expressions: Sam, hoverboard, skateboard, float, transportation, show, spaceship, all the time, go through.Teaching Aims1. Review words and phrases for transportation that the students learned before.2. Encourage the students to find and restate information in personal and imaginative ways.Teaching Important Points1. How do you demonstrate your invention?2. Learn about the use of Modal Verbs.Teaching Difficult PointsThe use of Modal Verbs.Teaching PreparationPictures.Teaching AidsAudiotape, flashcards, pictures.Type of lessonNew lesson.Teaching ProceduresStep1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Let the students answer the questions and discuss them in pairs.Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What type of transportation would Sam like to see in the future?2. What would a hoverboard be like?3. What types of transportation are in this text?Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then play the tape for several times. Let the studentsrepeat after it for several times.Step4. Ask the students to have a reading content. Divide the class into several groups. Each groupchooses one person every time. The one reads best can get a star. Let s have a compete to see which group will have the most stars.Step5. Divide the class into several groups. Ask them to talkthe future transportation that theywould like to see. Use the words and the expressions that we learn in this unit.Step6. Come to “LET S DO IT ”.Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go on the next reading in the student book.3.4. 5.
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