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第一部分 英语(20分)PartReading Comprehension (10 points)Directions:In this part of the test ,there are two short passages. Read each passage carefully,and then answer the queations tnat follow.Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D,and mark the corresponding letter with a circle.Passage 1On an exciting summer day in mid-july in the middle of Sabago Lake,my father helped me reel my very first catch .At first,everything was quiet around us.There were no human voices,cars,or planes to break the silence of the still pond.It was a perfect day for fishing.The sky was a brighter blue than usual,and puffs of white clouds raced overhead,we sat hushed,afraid to talk ,thinking that the fish would hear us and would stay away.As we sat there,my father ,holding his pole in one hand,passed me some lunch.I put down my brown chipped rod to take a sandwich wrapped in tin foil from him.The foil reflected the bright sunlight onto the water.With my mouth filled,with peanut butter,I whined,“When do you think the fish will bite? Weve been in this boat forever.”It was terrible hot, for the sun hung directly over us and the mosquitoes had told me hours ago that they favored my blood the best. Buzz. Smack! Another body dropped to the bottom of the boat. “These things are eating me alive,” I complained to my father.Suddenly my line tightened and my sinker moved.“Dad,it moved;what do I do now?”My father,now as excited as I was,crawled over to my side of the boat.Everything rocked.Little circles with white bubbles formed on the water.Dad took the rod from my hand,grasping it firmly like a champion fisherman,pulled and reeled the line in. “First you pull a little to let it know whos boss,”he explained excitedly.“Then you bring it in gradually.”In complete control of the pole he alternately reeled and jerked the line.Finally, a six-inch silvery blue perch sailed through the dangling on my line.The fish landed on the seat of the boat,flapping wildly and gasping for air.I picked the perch up,looked into its gasping mouth,and then plopped the struggling body into a pail of water.The fish regained consciousness and swam around unharmed for the moment.I think it knew that it would be part of our dinner that night.1.In the first sentence,“an exciting summer day”means D .A.it was a holidayB.it was a fishing dayC.it was a hot day D.it was a happy day 2.They sat hushed,afraid to talk,because A .A.Their talking would drive fish awayB.Fish couldnt understand themC.They had to concentrate on fishingD.Fish hated human voices3.The foil refection of sunlight is B .A.Blue B.SilveryC.Pink D.White 4.Father was as excited as the son,because A .A.They needed the fish for part of their dinner that nightB.They were catching a fish after waiting longC.They were eaten alive by the mosquitoesD.They could not go back with hands empty5.With the help of his father,he A .A.Succeeded in his first catchingB.Let go the first fishC.Found a boss for the first fish D.Killed the first fish as soon as he got itPassage 2 The U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that there is an oversupply of college-trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing.Already there is an overabundance of teachers,engineers,physicists and other specialists.Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that arent there.The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree.These “temporary”jobs have a habit of becoming permanent.On the other hand,there is a tremendous need for skilled workers of all sorts: carpenters,electricians,mechanics,and TV repairmen.These people have more work than they can handle and their annual incomes are often higher than those of college graduates.The old distinction that white-collar workers make a better living than blue-collar workers no longer holds true.The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that a college degree is a passport to a prosperous future.Parents begin telling their children this myth before they are out of grade school.Under this pressure the kids fall in line.Whether they want to go to college or not doesnt matter.Everybody should go to college.One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there,Of the sixty per cent of high school graduates who enter college,half of them do not graduate with their class.Many of them drop out within the first year.Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up.6.What do the U.S. Department of labor statistics show? AA.Many college graduates find it increasingly hard to get jobs for which they were trained.B.There is an oversupply of workers and this oversupply is increasingC.Teachers,engineers,physicists,
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