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第1页/共4页 Unit 2If you ever go to London |,make sure you visit the Science Museum. 【教学目标】 词汇 physics| , experiment| , sand| , control|, truck|, wheel|, communication|, chemistry|,X-ray|,dig|,coal|,energy| ,whole 句型 1.In most museums| ,there is no shouting and no running| ,and you must not touch anything. 2If you want answers to all your questions about science|,this is the right place for you. 3 For example|,if you want to fill a bag with sand|,you have to control a kind of truck on wheels 4 So if you ever go to London| , make sure you visit the Science Museum. 重点难点 1.本单元词汇和重点句型|。 2if 从句(1)以及表示禁止的祈使句|。 【教学思路】 1就学生感兴趣的话题引入教学|,使学生能快速投入课堂学习中|。 2让学生把所学的语言知识应用到生活中|。 3谈论学生所知道的博物馆信息|,培养学生热爱科学的精神|。 【教学准备】 录音机 |,卡片 |,多媒体等 |。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Warming up 1师生问候 |。 第2页/共4页 2让学生自由谈论所参观过的博物馆|。 3用多媒体课件展示世界各国的博物馆图片|,让学生自由讨论自己最想去 的博物馆 |,以激发学生的学习积极性|。 活动小结:教师以图片的形式导入新单词|,以图记忆 |,利用图片的形式让 学生拼读单词 |,加深记忆 |。找几名学生比赛记单词、造句子|,巩固记忆 |。利 用多种形式调动他们的学习热情|。 Step 2 Presentation 1 学习新单词:教师用多媒体呈现: physics|, experiment| , sand| , control|, truck|,wheel|,speed| ,key|,communication|,chemistry|,X-ray|,dig|,coal|, energy| ,whole 等单词并领读 |,让学生了解它们的词性及含义|。 (1)拿起物理书 |,引出单词 “ 物理学 ”physics |。 (2)展出一张做实验的图片|,教学单词 |,experiment 名词“ 实验” |。 (3)展示沙子的图片 |,从而引出单词 sand| ,名词 “ 沙|,沙子 ” |。 (4)动词 |,control“操作|,操纵 ” |。 (5)展示一张卡车的图片 |,从而引出单词 |,truck 名词“ 卡车 |,货车 ” |。 (6)展示一张车轮的图片 |,从而引出单词 |,wheel名词“ 车轮 |,轮子 ” |。 (7)名词 |,speed“速度” |。 (8)名词 |,key“ 按键 ” |,还可意为 “ 钥匙” ;还可作形容词 “ 重要的 ” |。 (9)名词 |,communications “资讯” |,常用复数形式 |。 (10)拿出学生们的化学书 |,引出单词 |,“ 化学”chemistry |。 (11)动词|,dig “挖掘|,掘(洞) ” |,其过去式和过去分词为dug|。 (12)名词 |,coal “煤” |,不可数名词 |。 (13)名词 energy “能量 |,能源 ” |,不可数名词 |。 第3页/共4页 (14)形容词 |,whole“ 全部的 |,整个的 ” |。 2操练单词 |。 (1)给学生几分钟记忆单词|,然后教师把带有单词的卡片拿出来让学生依次 拼读|。 (2)教师可以把学生分成几组进行单词拼读比赛|。 活动小结:让学生自主总结知识重难点|,培养他们的自主学习能力 |。让学 生读文章 |,回答问题 |,更加了解文章的细节 |。 Step 3 Practice & Listening 1利用幻灯片出示36 页上的教学图片 |,让学生两人一组完成讨论并说出 Part 1中两个博物馆的不同之处 |。 2Read the passage and answer the question. (1)Ask students to read the question and the title of the passage| ,and then let students guess what the main idea is about the passage. (2)Let students read the passage to find about the language points and discuss them together. (3)Ask students to find the differences from other museums. (4)Let students work in pairs to discuss the differences.Ask students to underline the differences on the book. (5)Ask students to present their answers to the question. (6)Check the answers together. (7)Ask students to read the questions in Activity 4 and read the words in the box. (8)Let students make some sentences with the words.and then answer these questions. (9)Check the answers together. 3Complete the table. (1)Ask students to look at the table in Activity 3. (2)Make a summary about “Your favourite museum and Tonys favourite museum ” (3)After students have finished the table|,the teacher asks some students to present their favourite museums to the class. 第4页/共4页 (4)Choose the most interesting museum. 活动小结:让学生自己发挥想象|,说说自己最喜欢的博物馆 |,锻炼他们的 口语表达能力 |。 Step 4 Writing 1Learn about the pronouns. (1)Ask students to find the sentences with it|,they or there. (2)Ask students to decide what the words in the sentences refer to. But the Science Museum is different it is noisy. People talk about what they can see and do there. (3)Ask students to complete the passage in Activity 6. 2Write a passage about “Your favourite museum” (1)Ask students to use the Yourfavourite museum column in Activity 3 to write a passage. (2)Let students use Activities 2 and 6 to help them.Ask them to pay attention to the pronouns to avoid repetition.Be sure the reference is clear. (3)Ask students to present their writings to the class| ,and choose the best one. 活动小结:在写作中让学生重点使用代词|,避免重复 |。提升学生们的写作 归纳能力 |。 Step 5 Homework 1Memorize the words| ,main phrases and sentences in this unit. 2Tell your parents something about the Science Museum. 【板书设计】 Unit 2If you ever go to London |, make sure you visit the Science Museum. Phrases: 1fill with |,compare with |,as well|,as well as 2physics experiment| ,find out|,make sure| ,in the whole world Sentences : If you ever go to London|,make sure you visit the Science Museum.
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