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创新型大学生的环境特征研究摘要创造力是指能产生出某种新颖、独特的有社会或个人价值的产品的能力。众多创造力研究者都持有这样一个思想,即创造力普遍存在。创造力就像智力一样,是每一个人都有的,只是拥有的程度不同。而且创造力不是一成不变的,它像其他能力一样,是每一个人都可以去发展使它达到某一个程度的。个体的创造力不仅受个体自身诸多因素的影响,同时也与个体的环境特征有着千丝万缕的联系。创造力是个体与环境互动的产物。由于环境影响的复杂性和不确定性,一直以来创造力的研究集中于对个体主体因素的研究而较少关注其与环境影响的关系。本文试图在这方面做出尝试性的研究,从个体自我认知的角度出发探讨个体与环境的互动影响。本研究以大学生群体为研究对象,以创新成就和创造个性为标准,比较创新型大学生和普通水平大学生在环境特征上的差异,进行小样本的多因素对比分析,进而总结创新型大学生的有异于普通群体的环境特征,从而为营造一种激励创造的学校教育环境提供借鉴。本研究选取一组汕头大学“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛的获奖者为创新成就组,同时抽取一组普通大学生为对照组(代表平均水平),对两组被试进行有关创造个性和环境特征的问卷调查。结果表明:一、创新成就组的大学生在创造个性上的得分明显高于普通水平。二、在环境特征上,创新型大学生与普通对照组在同辈团体创新气氛、学业闲暇度、环境评价、竞争与合作等方面存在显著差异;在校园学术活动上则没有明显差异。三、创新成就与个体的环境特征存在明显的相关。同辈团体创新气氛、学业闲暇度与创新成就呈明显正相关;竞争与合作、环境评价与创新成就呈明显负相关;在校园学术活动上没有表现出明显的相关。四、环境特征与创造个性之间存在不同程度的相关。其中同辈团体创新气氛、学业闲暇度与创造个性呈显著正相关;竞争与合作则与创造个性呈显著负相关;环境评价、学术活动与创造个性并无显著相关。关键词:环境特征;创新型个体;创造力;创新成就;创造个性AbstractCreativity is an ability which can produce something novel, special and valuable for individuals or society. Creativity of individuals is influenced not only by many factors of the individual himself but also by the environmental factors. All the while, the research about creativity hammers at individual factors and pay less attention to environmental influence because of its complexity and indetermination. This dissertation tries to work on the relations between creativity and environmental influence. Taking the colony of university student as the research object, classifying them by the creative achievement and creative personality, this research compares and analyzes the difference of the environmental characteristics between creative group and common group through multi-factors contrast and analysis on small sample. Then this research sum up the environmental characteristics of creative group which have obvious differ with the common one and finally provides reference for constructing a kind of educational environment which will encourage creativity.This research selects a group of awarded students from challenge cup outside science and technology contest of Shantou University, selecting another group of popular student as comparison in the meantime. Then carry two questionnaires about individual personality and creative environmental characteristics on both of the two groups. Receiving the results as following:Firstly, average score of the creative group on creative personality is obviously higher than common group.Secondly, there is distinct difference in “creative atmosphere of inter-compeer”, “leisure study”, “environmental evaluation”, “competition and cooperation” and is less distinct difference in “academic activity” between creative group and common group.Thirdly, the environmental characteristic is obviously related to the creative achievement. The creative achievement has positive relation with “creative atmosphere of inter-compeer” and “leisure status of study”, has negative relation with “environmental evaluation” and “competition and cooperation”, and has no obvious relation with “academic activity”.Finally, a part of environmental characteristics has various relations with creative personality: creative personality has positive relation with “creative atmosphere of inter-compeer” and “leisure status of study”, has negative relation with “competition and cooperation”, and has no obvious relation with “environmental evaluation” and “academic activity”. Keywords: Environmental characteristic; Creative individual; Creativity; Creative achievement; Creative personality目录摘要 Abstract 目录 第1章 问题的提出(1)1.1 问题的提出和研究的基本内容 (1)1.2 基本含义 (2)1.3 研究意义 (4)1.4 研究综述 (4)1.4.1 有关环境与创造力关系的理论 (4)1.4.2 国内外研究概况(5)1.4.3 影响创造力的环境变项 (6)第2章 研究设计 (8)2.1问卷的选择和编制 (8)2.1.1 创造个性问卷的选择 (8)2.1.2 创造性环境特征调查问卷的编制 (8)2.2 问卷的说明 (9)2.3 研究对象的选择 (10)2.4 数据的处理 (10)第3章 结果与分析 (12)3.1创造个性与创新成就 (12)3.2创新成就不同水平的环境特征比较 (13)3.2.1 同辈团体创新气氛特征 (13)3.2.2 环境评价特征(14)3.2.3 竞争与合作的人际特征(15)3.2.4 学业闲暇特征(16)3.2.5 校园学术活动特征(17)3.3 创造个性与环境特征诸变项之间的相关分析 (18)第4章 讨论 (19)4.1创造个性与创新成就呈正相关 (19)4.2个体创新受环境制约,表现出性质不同的环境特征 (20)4.2.1 和而不同的同辈团体气氛有助创新 (20)4.2.2 创新不欢迎评价 (21)4.2.3 竞争与合作不利于创意的表达(22)4.2.4 学有闲暇则创新(24)4.2.5 校园学术活动对个体创新影响有限(25)4.3 个体的创造个性影响其环境特征 (25)4.4 个体因素和环境因素密不可分 (26)第5章 结论(28)5.1研究结论
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