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重庆银行中间业务发展策略分析硕士学位论文(专业学位)摘要国际经济环境的转变致使金融市场在政府监管和机构创新的博弈中迅速发展,银行面临着日益剧烈的竞争挑战,中间业务已日渐成为西方商业银行收入的主要来源和新形势下的战略重心。2006年以后,我国加入世界贸易组织时逐步对外全面放开金融市场的承诺业已兑现,外资金融机构开始全面进入,致使我国金融市场格局发生了深刻的变化。虽然传统业务并未受到严重影响,但以发展的眼光看,商业银行在未来的成功转型则在很大程度上依赖于其在中间业务上的发展。重庆银行作为我国商业银行的成员之一,拥有国内商业银行所具有的共通特征,面临着同样的机遇和挑战,同时又具有自身的优势和不足。从其发展战略规划看,中间业务的发展同样是重庆银行实现战略目标的重心所在。因此,研究中间业务的发展在我国面临的一般问题、制约条件及其国际经验借鉴、对于重庆银行有着重要的借鉴意义。本文首先对商业银行中间业务的国内外研究现状进行梳理;其次对商业银行中间业务的概念内涵、基本特征、主要分类方法以及发展中间业务对商业银行的影响进行了简要讨论;再次对我国商业银行中间业务发展现状及其发展的动态变化和存在的问题进行了分析,并探讨了制约我国商业银行中间业务发展的因素;随后,基于比较的视角,考察了西方发达国家商业银行中间业务的发展现状。同时,本文还分析了西方银行中间业务健康发展的原因,并探讨了西方中间业务发展经验对我国商业银行的借鉴启示;最后,在对重庆银行及其中间业务发展现状进行介绍的基础上,结合重庆银行的发展规划,利用 SWOT分析方法,并结合相关理论,为重庆银行发展中间业务提出了相应的经营策略。本文所涉及的研究方法重要有定性分析和定量比较分析,同时应用 SWOT分析等方法。本文通过研究得出的结论是:重庆银行在中间业务占营业收入比重低;产品品种范围窄,创新能力不足;不太重视客户关系管理,在营销方面有待提升,在中间业务上的赢利能力差以及创新技术支持不足等。因此,重庆银行应该进行充分的战略分析,定位清发展方向,并积极实施完善银行治理机制,转变经营管理理念,大力提升银行在中间业务方面的人才建设,健全中间业务的定价机制,建立科学的风险防范机制和营销系统等策略,以夯实发展基础,应接新的挑战。同时既要循序渐进,又要大力防范规避金融创新可能带来的风险。中间业务,重庆银行,金融创新与管制,竞争策略As worldwide financial control loosening, the financial market got to rapidly developing because of the game between governmental governance and market innovation, the competition between traditional banks became more intensity.So the businesses of lending and borrowing have become the main resources of revenues and the focus of strategies of banks. Since China began to perform the promise to open completely the market to worldwide financial organizations in 2006,more and more foreign financial organizations entered into Chinese market, which exacerbated the surroundings for native banks running and developing, although traditional interest income of native banks doesnt be affected severely. As a most important engineer for China economy keeping continued growth, native financial organizations must success in transforming of their battalion income from the business of balance-sheet to intermediary business. Bank of Chongqing is a regional commercial bank in China, and it has all the characters that comprises opportunities and challenges native commercial banks in china, but it also has its own advantages and inadequacies to other native banks, and the development of intermediary business is its strategy core. Therefore, it is very important to Bank of Chongqing that researches attentively the constraints, problems and international experiences of the development of intermediary business inChina. This text firstly defines the related notion range, types, characters and backgrounds of intermediary business, and investigate the influences of intermediary business on the commercial banks. Secondly, it outlines the related development of native and alien researches of intermediary business. Thirdly, well analyze the dynamic changes and problems of the development of banks intermediary business in China.And then the text will research the operational history of the foreign commercial banks with comparative analysis. We also probe into the factors that promotes the development of west commercial banks notably in the past four decades, and the enlightenments of the west banks development to native commercial banks. Finally we introduce the actualities of Bank of Chongqing and its intermediary business, and do also inquire into its prospect of development strategy. By the analysis of SWOT. And then we put forward some operation and management proposals for the banks development. The analytical methods in this paper include qualitative and quantitative comparison, SWOT analysis and theoretical analysis, and so on. By studying the proportion of intermediary business income and the actualities of Bank of Chongqing, we draw the conclusions: the ratio of revenue from intermediary business to total revenue of Bank is low, Bank of Chongqing makes a narrower range of Intermediary business products, the capacity of product innovation and market operation is very weak, and the bank doesnt attach importance to intermediary business, so the profit-making ability of intermediary business is poor. With the rapid growth of China economy, Bank of Chongqing gets a precious opportunity to its intermediary business. But there are many difficulties which impede Bank of Chongqing to expand its intermediary business, such as the current separated operation and management system, the corporate governance of Bank of Chongqing, the management mechanism, and lots of foreign banks pouring into Chongqing financial market. Consequently Bank of Chongqing should elevate its strategic analytical capacity, and orientate the development of intermediary business and perfect its corporate governance and change the management idea. At the same time, the bank must strengthen its human resource and price mechanism of intermediary business, and build efficient risk prevention system and marketing system, so that the bank can reply effectively its challenges in future. Meanwhile the bank should advance steps, and keep a lookout for risks a
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