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A letter of complaint: The letter of complaint usually consists of three issues: 一the reason for writing the letter, I am writing to complain about/that I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with somebody about something I am most reluctant to complain, but I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about Examples: I am writing to complain about the service on the Beijing-Shanghai train which I took on August 16, 2001. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the Walkman I bought at the duty-free shop in your airport on February 14, 2005. 二 background information and problems (past tense) 三 actions required I would be grateful / I shall appreciate it very much if you could take the matter into consideration and solve it at your earliest convenience. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of/ within 14 days. Sample 1 You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Office at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me. In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments. I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible. Yours sincerely, Janice Kennedy,1,Sample 2 You have received your pay for your summer holiday part-time job, but your pay is less than you were promised. Please write a letter to the manager of the unit, clearly stating what work you have done and how long your work took. While explaining your case, put forward your demand and suggestion. Dear Manager, I have received the $800 check which you pay to me as a part-time software programmer in your company during my latest summer vacation. However, I am at a loss why the amount is $ 100 less than you promised to pay me. It was contracted that a part-time software programmers weekly wage is $ 300. I signed the contract with you and consequently worked in your company for a total of 3 weeks. In the period, I went to and from work on time and to your satisfaction, I completed each task that you assigned me without any errors. Also, no blame about me was ever heard in any aspect. So my total income should be $ 900, which is $ 100 more than that I gained from you. I firmly insist on your kind explanation of the difference and making it up as soon as possible. Your early reply would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely Janet Smith Sample 3 Dear Manager: Much to my regret, I write this to place a complaint against your bad delivery service of your company. The Samsung tape recorder model number JB/4703 that I ordered from your company on Nov. 1, arrived yesterday. The serial number of the machine is 4703 -0641. I am sorry to report that the recorder has been badly damaged. There was no unusual damage to the packing case, but when I opened it, I found that the lid of the recorder had been cracked and that the front surface of the machine had been scratched. Since there was such damage to the goods, I decided to file a complaint against the delivery service. Would you please let me know whether I should return the recorder to you for a replacement or if you have an authorized service representative here to which I should take it? I will hold on to this recorder until I hear from you. Sincerely yours, Jonathan Edwards,2,3,社交书信(Letters of Social Activities) 社交书信包括的内容很多,如邀请信、推荐信、介绍信、证明信、贺信、感谢信等等 A Letter of Congratulation 祝贺信 开头:开门见山,说明消息来源 正文:回忆过去,表明感受,展望未来,提出建议。 结尾:表达祝愿 常用句型: What exciting/thrilling news! It is good/sensational news. I was delighted/thrilled to hear/to receive the news that . It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. I congratulate you on/upon your success. Congratulations and all good/best wishes. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on Permit me to congratulate you We want you to know how happy we were when It gave me a great deal of pleasure to learn Wish you all the happiness in the world. I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life/career. All the luck in the world to you! Best of luck to you!,4,55 Fifth Avenue New York
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