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冠词的应用,1,.,冠词,不使用冠词,定冠词,不定冠词,a an,the,零冠词,冠词的分类,2,.,不定冠词的用法,1. a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前 an用在以元音音素开头的单词前,e.g. _book _ egg _ useful book _ underground room,a,an,a,an,2. 基本用法指人或事物的某一种类,e.g. She is a girl. 她是女孩 This is a desk. 这是一张书桌,3,.,3. 泛指某人或者某物,但又不具体说明何人何物,e.g. I can see a kite. A boy is in Grade 1.,4. 表示“数量”,“有一”“每一”的意思,e.g. We have six classes a day.,5. 用在抽象名词前,表具体,This little girl is a joy to her parents.,4,.,不定冠词的用法,6. 用于某些固定词组中,1.have a swim/walk/look /talk 2.have a cold; have a good time ; keep a diary ; in a hurry ; once in a while ; for a while ; once upon a time ; all of a sudden ;tell a lie ; do sb. a favor ; get an education ; at a distance ; at a loss 3. What a /such a /quite a / rather a / +单可数名词; too /as /so /how /however +adj. +a +单可数名词; many a +单数可数名词,5,.,定冠词的用法,1.基本用法:“特指”特指某(些)人或者某(些)事物,以便与其他的人或物有所区别,e.g.The book on the desk is Jims. The chairs are there.,2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物,e.g. Where is the kite? (双方都知道指的是哪只风筝) Open the door, please. (双方都知道要打开哪扇门),3.在叙述中,上文提到过的人或者事物,再次出现时,e.g. :I can see a kite. :where is the kite?,6,.,6. 用在姓氏的复数名词前,表示“一家人”,e.g. the Blacks 布来克一家,4. 用在宇宙间独一无二的天体名词之前,e.g.the sun the sky the moon the earth,5. 用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only, very, same 前,e.g. I live on the second floor. Skating is the best sport in winter.,7,.,定冠词的用法,7. 用在某些建筑物和旅馆的名称之前,The Palace Museum The Summer Palace,8. 用在表示乐器的名词之前,e.g. the violin the piano,9. 用在一些习惯用语中,e.g.in the day in the morning / aftrnoon/ evening the day before tomorrow/ yesterday,10. 用在普通名词构成的专有名词前。,We want to see the Great wall with our own eyes.,8,.,定冠词的用法,12. 用在表示海洋、河流、山脉、群岛、海湾等专有名词前。,the Atlantic Ocean the Yellow river the Alps,11. 用在形容词前,表示一类人。,The poor, the wounded, the dead, the rich,9,.,定冠词的用法,独一无二最高级,江河湖海和乐器, 阶级党团和报纸,还有组织和杂志, 说过的人或者事,同一东西大家知, 姓氏前指一家人,序数词前表第几。,10,.,零冠词的用法,1.名词前有了物主代词、指示代词、不定代词和“”所有格时。,e.g. Our books those apples Jims pen,2.复数名词在表示一类人或者事物时。,e.g. They are teachers.,3.在专有名词前,e.g. China England,4.在星期、月份、节日前,e.g. on Sunday in August on Childrens Day,不使用冠词的情况,11,.,冠 词 的 分 类,零冠词的用法,5. 在球类运动前及三餐名词前。,e.g. play football/ basketball have supper,6. 在一些固定搭配中,e.g. at night go to school at table by bike at work go to bed at school watch TV at home,12,.,零冠词的用法,7. 科目前不加,e.g. We learn Chinese,maths English.,8. 在称呼语或表示头衔的名称前。,e.g. Whats the matter,granny? We elected him monitor.,季节、月份和星期,节日、三餐和泛指; 语言、学科、称呼语,头衔、职位和球棋.,13,.,动词(hit, pull, pat, strike(打), catch, hold, take) +sb. +介词(in, on, by)+ the+身体部位 She touched him on the shoulder. 她碰了碰他的肩。 The stone struck the man in the eye. 石头击中了那人的眼睛。 I caught her by the right hand. 我抓住她的右手。 她拍了拍那男孩的头。 She patted the boy on the head.,14,.,有定冠词与无定冠词的区别 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在范围内的前部 in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院 in prison 坐牢 in the prison 在监狱 in charge of 负责 in the charge of 由负责 in place of 代替 in the place of 在 的地方,15,.,at church 做礼拜 at the church 在教堂 at table吃饭 at the table在桌子旁 by day 在白天 by the day 按日 take place 发生 take the place of 代替 on earth在世上, 究竟 on the earth在地球上,out of question beyond question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能,16,.,例子,a useful tool 一件有用的工具a university 一所大学a European country 一个欧洲国家a one-eyed man 一个一目失明的人,17,.,a D di: 一个D B、C、G、J、K、P、Q、T、U、V、W、Y、Z an F ef 一个F A、E、H、I、L、M、N、O、R、S、X,18,.,2007年全国20套高考卷单项选择语法分类汇编,1. Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please? Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village. 2007 全国卷II A. the; theB. the; a C. /; the D. the; / 2. _ walk is expected to last all day, so bring- packed lunch. 2007 山东卷 AA;a BThe; 不填 CThe ; a DA ; 不填 3. How about Christmas evening party? 2007 福建卷 I should say it was success. A.a; a B.The; a C.a;不填 D.the; 不填 4. I looked under _bed and found _bokkd I lost last week. 2007 北京卷 A.the; a B. the: the C. 不填;the D. the:;不填,19,.,5. Polar bears live mostly on_sea ice, which they use as _platform for hunting seals. 2007 湖南卷 A. a; a B. a; the C. 不填; a D. the; 不填 6. We have every reason to believe that_ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be_ success.2007 江苏卷 A. / aB. the / C. the a D. a a 7. Many people have come to realize that they ahould go on _balanced diet and make _ room in their day for exercise. 2007 江西卷 A.a;/ B.the; a C.the;the D./;a 8. In film Cast Away.Tom Hanks plays man named Chuck Noland. 2007 陕西卷 A.a; the B.the; a C.the; the D.a; a 9. How about taking _ short break? I want to make _ call2007 四川卷 Athe;a Ba;the Cthe;the Da;a 10. I wanted to catch _early train, but couldnt get _ ride to the station. 2007 天津卷 A. an, the B. /, the C. an, / D. the, a,20,.,11. I like _ color of your skirt. It is _ good match for your blouse. 2007 浙江卷 A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the 12. Gorge couldnt remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was _ Sunday because everybody was at _ church. 2007 重庆卷 /; the B. the; / C. a; / D. /; a 13. Chrismas is _
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