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编辑助理英文简历模板英文简历对很多求职者来说是很重要的,所以选择好的简历模板也是非常关键的,下面为大家带来编辑助理英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!编辑助理英文简历模板Objective: Editor/Assistant EditorNo.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx.comEDUCATION Northwestern UniversityEvanston, ILBachelor of Science in Communication StudiesAnticipated June 2020Cumulative GPA: 3.5 / 4.0Relevant Coursework: Reading & Writing Poetry, Reading & Writing Creative Non-Fiction, Theories of Mediated Communication, Theories of Persuasion, Editing & Writing the News, Reading & Writing FictionWRITING EXPERIENCEStaff WriterThe MustardseedEvanston, ILJanuary 2020 - June 2020•Composed story on evolution of race relations in religious circles based on interviews conducted with clergy and student leaders•Researched present day connections and controversies between art and spirituality by conducting in-depth phone interviews with modern artists and researching the history of religious artEditor-in-ChiefThe HighlanderBerkeley Heights, NJSeptember 2020 - June 2020•Designed original templates and coordinated new methods of production and distribution, increasing distribution of student newspaper from 400 to 1,000 copies per month•Restructured staff assignments resulting in increased collaboration and more productive work time•Advocated for increased student press rights by developing editorial agenda and effective working relationships with administrationASSISTANT EXPERIENCEClerical AideWeinberg Writing ProgramEvanston, ILJanuary 2020 - Present•Handle administrative duties and assist the faculty and staff of the English Department•Develop and organize frequently requested documents for easy distributionCommunity Service AideKohl McCormickStoryBus, Highland Park, ILSeptember 2020 - December 2020•Distributed press releases and publicity materials to educational institutions in the Chicago area•Conducted research to identify potential clients, increasing contact list by approximately 30 organizationsAdministrative AssistantZohn & Zohn, LLPWatchung, NJJuly 2020 - August 2020•Assembled exhibit packets and composed letters to court and clients•Updated backlog of real estate files by conducting status checks with title companies and clientsACTIVITIES•Sisterhood Chair, Chi Omega SororityJanuary 2020 - June 2020•Member, Northwestern University Boxing ClubSeptember 2020 - June 2020•Member, Pan-Hellenic Public Relations CommitteeJanuary 2020 - Present•Member, Northwestern Community EnsembleSeptember 2020 - December 2020COMPUTER SKILLS•Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, Excel•Experience with Adobe PageMaker, Quark, SPSSAWARDS•Al Neuharth Free Spirit Scholar2020, 2020, 2020•American Association of University Women ScholarshipSeptember 2020•RE/MAX Excellence in Leadership ScholarshipDecember 2020面试3种类型第一种类型是电话面试,这种面试一般是我们提交了网上申请之后与面试官的第一次接触,电话面试主要是面试官想确认进一步面试时间及信息、了解个人信息及教育工作背景、确定是否给予进一步面试机会。而电话面试具有突发性,即可能在你并不方便的情况下突然接到电话,此时我们应该保持镇静以退为进。另外我们还要注意礼貌用词语言简洁及时沟通,并把握提问机会,适当展现自我。第二种类型是小组群面,这也是面试公司最喜欢的一种面试方式。这种面试类型主要是想考察应聘者的举止仪表、人际交往、应变能力、语言表达、情绪控制、综合分析、人职匹配、组织计划等。小组群面中一般会产生四种角色:leader需要引领思路,协调团队内部矛盾,带领团队高效完成任务。time keeper则是管理时间,推进讨论,保障任务顺利完成的角色。recorder需记载成员的发言观点,并将资料交给发言人员。speaker最后代表小组向面试官展示讨论结果。第三种类型是压力面试。这种类型考察应聘者人际交往、抗压能力、应变能力、情绪控制等。这种面试的特征是面试官会制造紧张气氛,会有挑衅的发问,连环发问,不礼貌的打断等行为。而我们所需要做的就是了解压力面试的形式,绕开陷阱转换压力,坚持到底,自信友好。
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