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智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福写作的万能理由和句型(二)摘要: 又给大家分享万能理由来了,托福写作万能理由,按照如下方式来分类,方便大家查找记忆, 1 方便convenience 2 情感feeling(or sensibility) 3 经验experience 4 成就achievement 5 效率efficiency 6 健康health .托福 写作的万能理由和句型所有托福考生,需要提升写作水平,以及时间相对不是很充裕的考生,之前就有不少学生利用这些万能理由和句型取得了不错的成绩。托福写作 的万能理由和句型( 二) :CultureFolk art, historic relics, Peking opera, paper-cutting,sculpture, woodcarving, museum,gallery, china, miniature landscapes, cherish,inherit ,preserve ,carry forward, A clever blend of traditional and modern, a homogenous world culture, absorb the essence,aesthetic value, ancestor, antiquated idea, artistic value, brilliant and gorgeous culture, calligraphy, celebrated,characteristic, civilization, cradle of culture, diverse cultures, Immortal /imperishable,in vogue, ingrain notion, minority people national unity,old-fashioned,prime,reject the dross and assimilate the essence, superficial, traditional culture, Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage,Four treasures of the study:the writing brush,ink-stick,paper and ink stone Four most famous Chinese cuisinesTwelve animal signs/12 symbolic animals:Psychology:Abandon oneself to/be obsessed with/be immersed in/be indulged in, alleviate stress, arrogant, brittle/frail, ego, insatiable, irritable, lonesome, melancholy, out of control, pessimism, temperamental, throw ones weight about, blow ones top, a sense of inferiority, be brought up in a honey jar, lack enthusiasm for studies, suffer from nervousness,anxiety, and depression, mental heath, emotional disorder, have premature love affairs, unreturned love, be crossed in love, fall in love at first sight, X-rated movie, Fancier/zealot/enthusiastic fan, fair-weather friends, open the hot line, heart-to-heart chat, turn to the elders for guidance, offer psychological consulting,!Love is the flower of life and blossoms unexpectedly without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.!Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the young. Its a common phenomenon that exists everywhere in the world. It results in different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world, different reactions to traditional principles and belief.Rights:Abolish, animals-rights-advocates, capital punishment, civil right, collectivism, confidential, constitute/enact/set down, consumers association, copyright,delinquent, demand.as ones due, deprive, enjoy the freedom, enjoy the privacy, fight for the freedom, freedom of speech,human rights, individualistic, invade, inviolable, social security, military service, abide by the law, be dealt with in light of law, be declared innocent,birds and bees, Equality of sexes, discrimination, career women, retired people, pension system, issue pension, welfare/charity house, disadvantaged groups, twilight romance, job-hopping, job-hopper, workaholic, brain drain, be fired, migrant worker, invasion of privacy, freedom of press,MoralityAdolescent/juvenile, immoral, illegal, aggressive behavior,an egocentricperson/self-centered, antisocial, arson, avenge oneself on, be charged with, be guilty of, be prone to social ills, detrimental(harm,jeopardize,destroy,ruin,damage), differentiate virtue from evil/distinguish between right and wrong, domestic violence, drug addict, drugs and alcohol, fall victims to, go astray, guilty, high crime rate, Pickpocket, robbery, criminal suspect, serve a sentence material comforts, monitoring and supervision, morally corrupt, burglary, parental permissiveness, peer influence, peer pressure, physical abuse,prostitution,practice prostitutionpornographic/erotic/obscene/pulp, proper guidance sexual harassment,single-parent family, spoiled, strengthening the family ties , risky behaviors,take fantasy for reality, unwed mother, victim, wipe of illiteracy以上就是托福写作的万能理由和句型的第一部分内容,我们稍后还会为大家介绍第二部分内容,考生一定要充分利用这些内容,稍后我们还会为大家介绍更多托福写作的精华资料,敬请关注。
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