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最新海量高中、初中教学资料尽在金锄头文库新沂市第二中学高二英语集体备课主备人:何莉 用案人: 授课时间:_ 第 7 课时课题 课型 to to a on a to an to to a on a to an 点 to to on a to an a 学 内 容 个案调整教师主导活动 学生主体活动教学过程 to to on a on on to on a to in my _I to _I to _ of _ or he in * he . do do ow 新海量高中、初中教学资料尽在金锄头文库it to ow to do of it?in 44, as as me a to Im to I It do do me a in : a on a of a on a is of of of of of 中教学资料尽在金锄头文库板书设计教学札记
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