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英语试卷参考答案第页(共 2页) 2019年高考桂林市 贺州市 崇左市 联合调研考 试 英语参考答案及评分标准 【听力材料 】 Text 1 W: There is atraditional lion dance performance tonight. Doyou want to watch it? M: Oh, good! I ve been wantingtosee onefor alongtime. Text 2 W: I didn t go to the party yesterday eveningbecause I had to take care of my baby. He wasill. M: What a pity you missed the party. I had a good time there. Text 3 W: Mr Smith,I wonder whether it s possible for me to take a vacation early next month. M: Did you fill out a request form? Text 4 M: Help yourself tosome soup. W: I mr eallyfull. Thank you so much for the dinner. It wasreally delicious. Can I give you a hand with the dishes? M: No, thanks. Don t worry about it. Text 5 W: Can you turn on the lights? M: Well, I mt rying to watch a movieon the computer. W: I mt ryingtoread my book, but I can t see a word. M: I can see better when the lightsare off. Text 6 M: Oh, gosh! What a mess! Wasit Amy again? W: Uhm.I mafraid yes. M: Oh, I can t stand it any more! W: Look, Joey. Somewhat she sspoiled and self- centred.When I first moved to thiscity, I wasa lot like her.You guys took care of me.I don t think I would be the person I mtoday if it wasn t for you. M: But. W: I know she sdifficult but it s gonnatakepatience. You can help her theway you helped me. M: Hmm. Since you insist, I ll try my best. Text 7 M: Alice, are you free on Saturday? W: Yes.What sup ? M: There sa gallery opening.I wonder if you d liketogo. W: I d love to. But I amb usy with paperwork every weekend . M: I ll pick you up at 9:00 and have you home by 12:00. How sthat? W: That sounds fine. But I ve never been to a gallery opening before. What s it like? M: All you have to do is stand around, look at the art, drink some wine and eat tiny sandwiches. Maybe we ll come acrosssome famouspeople. W: Well, what should I wear? M: People will be sort of dressed up,but don t worry. You ll be finein thisdress. Text 8 W: Hey. Matt! Do you have apet? M: Yes, two dogs and a cat. W: Great! How do you train the dogs? M: Well, we train themb asic things when they re young. You know, sit, come.After they re about two years old, they go to different training schools. W: Do you ever seethe dogs you trained, like out on the street? M: Sometimes. W: Are dogs and catsthe only petspeoplekeep? M: Not really. My dad has spiders. My cousin said he would keep a snake! W: Wow, that takescourage. By the way, does it cost much to keep apet? 1 英语试卷参考答案第页(共 2页) M: Yeah. Food is probablythe biggest cost, but also, if you keep a little dog in your house, they may chew up everything they can. So we reconstantlyreplacingshoes and cleaning up wastefromt he carpet and thingslikethat. W: I see.Thanks alot. Text 9 W: Professor Smith, may I see you for a moment? M: Of course.Come in and havea rest. W: I ve cometotalk to you about my grade on my last paper. I want to know whyI wasgiven an “F” . M: Well, yours wassosimilar to that of another student in the classthat I seriously doubted that you d done it yourself. W: I did work closely with my roommate Jean, but let me explain why. Aw eek before the paper was due, I wastoo sick to do myresearch. Jean agreed to help me. But it was really myown. M: Well, you were given amonth to work on the paper. Wouldn t it havebeen better to get a head start rather than wait until the last minute? Each student was supposed to prepare it individually. I mafraid my decision isfinal. However, if you re willing to make an oral presentation about the government s role in running the economy, I ll give you extra credit. Text 10 In Britain, if you break the law, you can be sent toprison or befined or be ordered to do community work such asclean ing public places and helping the old. There are two sorts of prisons. The open sort and the closed sort. In the closed sort, prisoners are given very little freedom. They spend three to ten hours outside their rooms when they exercise, eat, study, learn skills, watch TVa nd talk to other prisoners. All prisoners are expected to work. Most of thema re paid for what they do, whether it is cooking or cleaning. Prisoners in open prisons are locked up at night but for the rest of the time, they arefree within theprison grounds. They can exercise, have visitors or study. And some are allowed out of the ground to study or to do community work. If the prisonersrefuse to work, theyget nothing and no other jobs are provid ed for thema ny more. Their main job isthe recycling of waste. Every prisoner can earn about 14 poundseveryweek. 听力理解: 15:BBBAA610: ACBCA1115: BABAC1620: CBCCC 阅读理解: 2124: ACDB2527: DCC2831: CCBD3235: BDCA 3640: BCFDA 完形填空: 4145: BACDB4650: CDBAC5155: ABDCA5660: CADBD 语法填空: 61. into62. begins63. branches64. and/so65. highly 66. isreferred67. excellent68. providing69. which70. to protect 短文改错: I usedt oh avef ewc onfidencei nE nglishs tudya nds pendingn ot imem emorizingw ords. I even littlespend copieda nswersw henIam occupiedw ithh omework. Besides, Mr. Li gavem eahandb ys haringw ith was
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