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.,Welcome to our English class !,.,English letters Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz,.,Hh,Hh,Mm,Mm,Ww,Ww,Rr,Rr,Qq,Qq,BA,BA,BCE,BCE,CD,CD,NBA,NBA,UFO,UFO,HB,HB,CCTV,CCTV,KFC,KFC,OK,OK,GOOD,GOOD,Game,0.08秒的挑战说出字母,SML,SML,.,你知道这些字母是什么意思吗?,CD,HB,UFO,.,CD,光盘;激光唱片,HB,(铅笔芯)硬黑;硬度,UFO,不明飞行物,NBA,(美国)全国篮球协会,CCTV,中央电视台,.,Good morning!,Unit One,.,Say hello to our friends. (跟我们的朋友们问好吧),-Hello! Harry!,Harry,.,Say hello to our friends. (跟我们的朋友们问好吧),-Hi! Tom!,.,Say hello to our friends. (跟我们的朋友们问好吧),-Hello! Jerry!,.,Now, lets meet some new frieds.现在我们来认识几位新朋友。,.,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,This is 这位是,.,Dale,Grace,Cindy,Frank,Bob,Eric,Helen,Alice,Who is this? 这位是谁?,This is,.,This is ,.,注意:This is没有缩写形式,,这 (位) 是.,This is.,这句型用于: 介绍他人或某物,Thiss,Is this 是疑问句形式 e.g. Is this your father?,Note:,e.g. Who is this? This is Alice.,.,good,mor,hel,hi,好的,上午,早晨,喂(表示问候),嗨(表示问候),after,下午,eve,晚上,黄昏,ning,noon,ning,lo,.,Lets learn: three time sections (三个时间段),morning,afternoon,evening,.,morning,afternoon,evening,.,9:00,.,14:30,.,20:00,.,Good morning, Helen !,Hi, Bob!,.,Good morning, Alice!,Good morning, Cindy !,.,Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!,Good morning, Dale!,.,Good morning , Helen!,Hi, Bob !,Good morning, Alice !,Good morning, Cindy !,Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!,Good morning, Dale !,.,Good morning,Good afternoon,Good evening,用原句回答,也可用 hello/hi,熟人问候时,其后可接 “ ,+人名”,Note:,区别: Good evening 晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚间告别用语),.,hello / hi,用原句回答,有时可用 hi 代替 hello e.g. Hello, Grace! Hello, Alice! / Hi, Alice! 打电话时都可说 hello,.,Exercises:,1. 看图写出下列图所表示内容的缩写字母或单词。,1. _ 2._ 3. _,CD,HB,UFO,.,2. 补全对话,1.- _, Eric! -Hello, Helen! 2.- Good morning, Bob. - Good _, Helen. 3. -_ , Frank. - Good evening, Dale. 4. -Good afternoon, Eric. -_, Grace.,Hello,morning,Good evening,Good afternoon,.,3. 汉译英: 1. 嗨,艾丽斯! 2.早上好,戴尔。 3.晚上好,埃里克。,Hi , Alice!,Good morning, Dale.,Good evening, Eric.,.,Summary(总结),字母组合: CD HB UFO NBA CCTV 八个英文名字: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen hello / hi 问候语: Good morning / afternoon Good evening / night This is 句型,.,Thank you !,
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